Creating custom attributes

Create custom attributes to segment based on custom data in the member profile.

To create a custom attribute:

  1. In Control Center, navigate to Settings > Custom Attributes.

  2. Click Add Attribute.

  3. Enter the details for the attribute:

    • Display Name: Specify a user-friendly name for this attribute. For example, "Child 1 Date of Birth."

    • Attribute Name: Specify an internal name for this attribute. For example, "child1_dob." This field cannot be edited.

    • Description: Enter a description. This is optional.

    • Data Type: Select one of the following data types for this custom attribute: Integer, String, Date, Boolean, or Decimal. Descriptions for these data types are provided when you select them. This field cannot be edited.

  4. Click Add Attribute.

    Click Add Another to continue adding more attributes.

    Custom Attribute page with Add Attribute button

Added attributes are available in the real-time segmentation attribute list, along with your existing profile attributes.

custom attribute, attributes, create attributes, segmentation, custom data, user data, members

Learn more

Creating real-time segments


Custom attributes