Creating Lists

Lists contain basic customer data. Lists are created initially with a set of system-defined fields, but you can add custom fields.

To create a list:

  1. Click Create New List.
  2. Enter a unique name, and optionally provide a description.

    Names must not be longer than 100 characters and can include only these characters: A-Z a-z 0-9 space ! - = @ _ [ ] { }

  3. Click Save.

    A list containing only system-defined fields and no records is created. Even though empty, you may create Profile Extensions and Custom Tables for the list.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • To finish creating the list and return to the Manage Lists page, click Done.
    • To add custom fields, click Change Schema.
    • To import records into the list, click Load from File.

After you create the List, you can set up a Connect import job to update the data in the List or to import additional data.

Learn more

Working with Lists and Data Sources

Viewing and Editing Data

Using the Manage Lists Page

Manage Lists

Understanding Connect