Adding a custom lookup table

If you have the necessary Client Administrator rights, you can upload a custom lookup table to make it available when configuring a Contact Washing Machine action on the campaign canvas or program canvas. You can then view reports of any unmatched values, modify custom lookup tables, and delete custom lookup tables.

Note: Lookup tables are site specific. If you manage multiple sites, you will have to manage lookup tables for each site.

To add a custom lookup table:

  1. Navigate to Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog. > Apps to display your Apps list .
  2. Select the Contact Washing Machine app.
  3. Click the Configure icon An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog.. The App Configuration for Contact Washing Machine page is displayed.
  4. Click Add Lookup. The Add New Lookup window is displayed.

    Image of the Add New Lookup window, which includes Name and Description boxes and a Choose File button

  5. Add a name, a description, and upload a CSV file of your custom lookup table. The CSV file must meet the custom lookup table requirements.
  6. Click Save. The App Configuration for Contact Washing Machine page displays the new custom lookup table.

Managing lookup tables

You can improve your custom lookup tables by reviewing reports of unmatched values in order to identify useful modifications. You can get the current lookup table by downloading it. Then you can modify it in a spreadsheet application and upload the CSV file to overwrite the current lookup table.

If you want to quickly review specific keywords, you can search for them from the lookup table list. Search is not case sensitive and you can enter multiple keywords, but the key must be an exact match.

To manage your lookup tables:

  1. Navigate to Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog. > Apps to display your Apps list .
  2. Select the Contact Washing Machine app.
  3. Click the Configure icon An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog.. The App Configuration for Contact Washing Machine page is displayed.
  4. View a report of unmatched values that the Contact Washing Machine looked up in the custom lookup table:
    1. Click the view report icon Image of the view report icon, which you can click to view the report of unmatched values for the lookup table.
    2. Select a month. Any unmatched keys are displayed. For example, the following Unmatched Report shows that no matches exist in the Custom Title to Role lookup table for the string acnt executive. The next time you update the lookup table, you could add acnt executive in the Name column and match it to Account Executive in the Description column.

      Image of an Unmatched Report for Custom Title to Role lookup, which includes the string acnt executive

  5. To review or modify a lookup table CSV file:
    1. click its download icon Image of the download icon, which you can click to download the current lookup table CSV file in order to review and modify it The download dialog is displayed.

      Image of the download dialog for a custom lookup table CSV, which provides save, save as, open, and cancel buttons

    2. Click Save to download the CSV file.
  6. To modify a lookup table, prepare a new CSV file and then click the upload icon Image of the upload icon, which you can click to modify the lookup table by uploading a new CSV file to browse for and choose the new CSV file. The uploaded CSV file replaces the old lookup table if it meets the custom lookup table requirements.
  7. To search for specific keys within a custom or default lookup table, click the search icon Image of the search icon, which you can click to search within the lookup table.
    1. In the Search within Lookup dialog, click in the Add Keywords box and enter one or more values that you want to search for. Keyword search is not case sensitive.
    2. Click Search. Any case insensitive exact matches to your keywords are displayed.

      Image of the lookup table search dialog, which shows case-insensitive exact matches to entered keywords

  8. To delete the lookup table, click the delete icon Image of the delete lookup table icon, which you can click to delete the lookup table. Before deleting a custom lookup table, check for any dependencies. If the lookup table is in use when you delete it, the associated step on your campaign or program canvas would cause an error.

Custom lookup table requirements

You can prepare a two-column table that the Contact Washing Machine lookup action can search for an exact, not case-sensitive, match.

You can upload a maximum of five custom lookup tables with the following requirements:

Item Requirement
File format Comma separated values (CSV)
File size < 1 MB
Header rows None
  • Minimum of one non-header row
  • Maximum of 5000 rows
Columns Two columns:
  • First column (key): A unique key that is < 100 alphanumeric characters, including spaces
  • Second column (value): A value to be returned to the Contact Washing Machine Action service that is < 300 alphanumeric characters, including spaces
Commas are not allowed in the key or its value because commas are used as delimiters.
  • Must be a unique key within the current lookup table.
  • Must be exact, but are not case sensitive.
  • Duplicate rows are not allowed.
  • Null values and empty lines are not allowed.

Tip: Download a sample lookup table template and modify it for your needs.

Learn more

Contact Washing Machine actions

Contact Washing Machine app

Oracle Eloqua AppCloud apps

Contact Washing Machine app, lookup table, csv, keyword