About personal URLs (PURLs)

Personalized URLs (PURLs) allow marketers to create contact-specific URLs to help drive offline activity online as part of a multi-touch marketing campaign. You can easily include a contact's PURL on a direct mail piece and drive them to a personalized landing page to help increase conversion rates.

Email campaigns are already tied to a contact using their email address, so you do not need to use PURLs in an email. However, using a PURL in a direct mail campaign can help you to track the conversion rate.

A PURL consists of your microsite, landing page vanity URL, and a PURL name. The PURL name is unique to the contact.

An image of an example PURL

  • Microsite = http://www.example.com
  • Vanity URL = mypage
  • PURL Name = janemillerL88BM5
  • PURL = http://www.example.com/mypage/janemillerL88BM5

When Jane browses to this site, it displays any customized elements and automatically links the page view to her contact record.

Note: If the PURL name is incorrect, but the microsite and vanity URL are correct, the landing page still displays.

Creating a PURL name

PURL names are generated by Oracle Eloqua when a contact is added to your database.

Exporting contact PURL name

You can export a contact's PURL name to a Microsoft Excel or .csv file. You can then use this export to help generate the PURL.

To export your contact PURLs:

  1. Navigate to Audience An image of the Audience icon., then click Segments.
  2. Create a segment with the contacts that you want to export.
  3. Click View Contacts.
  4. Ensure that you've selected a contact view that includes the PURL name contact field. If one doesn't exist, you can create one.
  5. Click Export.

    An image of the Export Fields section.

  6. Configure the export window and click Export.

A link to download the export data will be sent to the specified email address. The export is available from that link for 14 days.

Learn more


Exporting segment contacts