Oracle Eloqua tracking parameters

Oracle Eloqua allows you to create hyperlinks, and then add those hyperlinks to text or images within an asset. Hyperlink parameters allow you to track recipient behavior, attribute it appropriately, and then present desired content to each recipient.

The following parameters are available:


The ElqTrackId is a unique string of alphanumeric characters that allows Oracle Eloqua to individually identify each linked item in your asset. When you add a hyperlink to an image or text, Oracle Eloqua automatically appends the elqTrackId parameter to the link. If you have two images in an email, and both those images link to, then the elqTrackId parameter will be different for each of those images.

This parameter also contributes to reporting, and can be useful during debugging.

Example: Oracle Eloqua will convert to:

The elqTrackId parameter is added to all links in all assets, with a few exceptions:

  • New Email Message links types do not receive this parameter.
  • System Action links types do not receive this parameter.

    Important: The View Online Version link type will receive this parameter when it is added to an email asset.

  • The following schemes for redirect URLs (in addition to http and https) are now supported and can be tracked, if the link is marked track=true: Telephone, Malito, and FTP.

    Important: If you type a link into the URL field that leads to a HTTP site, but you skip typing out the HTTP/HTTPs portion, (and simply begin your URL with www), Oracle Eloqua will still append the elqTrackId parameter.

Once a parameter is appended to a link, Oracle Eloqua does not revise or remove it. This means that if an asset is generated from a template (for example, the Save As function), then the included elqTrackId will not change. To differentiate between such similar links, Oracle Eloqua will refer to a combination of the elqTrackId and the AssetId (see below).


The elqTrack=True parameter allows Oracle Eloqua to track and report on link activity (such as clickthroughs) for assets on which there are no tracking scripts. It can be applied to malito, tel, and ftp (in addition to http and https links). The elqTrack=Trueparameter is separate from the elqTrackId parameter, although they often appear together on hyperlinks.

Example: Oracle Eloqua will convert to:

Select the Add tracking for untracked external pages check box to add the elqTrack=True parameter to your hyperlinks. This box is checked by default in the landing page and email Design Editors.

An image of the Redirect (for untracked pages) option selected. The added parameter is highlighted in the URL.

When the recipient clicks on the hyperlinked object, the parameter is hidden in the URL in the address bar.

AssetType and AssetId

AssetType specifies whether the asset is an email or a landing page. AssetId is a unique numerical identifier for each asset that can be used to differentiate between individual assets, assets that were creates via template, and assets that are copies of other assets. In some cases, when a hyperlinked object is duplicated, the elqTrackID parameter will be duplicated as well (see above), and the AssetId can help identify links appropriately.

Neither AssetType nor AssetId are displayed in the user interface, with the exception of the plain-text email editor. Email recipients will see these parameters in plain-text email links, on hover-over display links, and temporarily in the URL address bar when links are being resolved in the browser.


The RecipientId parameter is a unique identifier for each email recipient or web page visitor. It can be linked back to a contact or custom object record. When a visitor clicks a link in an email or landing page, the RecipientId parameter is passed to the target link, and can then be used to associate clickthroughs and merge content to the appropriate visitor or recipient.

The parameter is present on every link in an email in the format of elq=<GUID>. When an email is sent, a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) is generated and injected into the link for each recipient. Once a recipient has received an email, the RecipientId can be found within the URL.


CampaignId is a unique number assigned to an asset when that asset is used as a part of a campaign. If an asset is used in more than one campaign, this number ensures that asset activity is associated with the correct campaign.

See Sharing an externally-hosted form across multiple campaigns for an example of this parameter in use.


SiteId identifies your company's assets. The SiteId is formatted as s=<customer side id>.

If you have administrator privileges, learn your SiteId information by clicking Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog., then clicking Company Defaults in the Display Preferences section.

An image of the Site ID.

Learn more

Collecting data

Adding links to emails in the Design Editor

Oracle Eloqua asynchronous tracking scripts

Calculating email opens

Sharing a hosted form across multiple campaigns

Sharing an externally-hosted form across multiple campaigns