Signature rule examples

The following examples show how signature rules can be used in bulk email distributions.

Example: Sales territory by city

If your sales territories are defined very simply, for example, by city or county, then you can set up a signature rule to assign different signatures based on the geographic location that is used.

Example: Based on title

The signature rule can be set to show different signatures for contacts depending on their title. For example, the CIO might see the signature for a technical salesperson who can discuss different aspects of implementing a software package, whereas the CFO may see the signature for a salesperson who specializes in discussing business cases and ROI.

Example: Based on revenue

In some instances, the signature may depend on the size of the recipient's company. You may want to make sure that recipients for smaller companies can contact your small and medium-size business specialist, whereas those from larger companies who receive the email can talk to your enterprise expert.

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Signature rules


Component Library

Signature layouts