Configuring a progressive profile in staged mode for the Classic Design Editor

Important: You can no longer create new assets using the Classic Form Design editor or copy assets created in the Classic Form Design editor. All legacy form assets continue to be editable using the same Classic Form Design Editor. Additionally, classic forms will still function in their landing pages and capture form submission data. Customers can leverage the Save As and Save As Template features for their classic forms to save them as responsive forms in our new Design Editor. Learn more in our product notice.

Staged mode allows you to decide which contact fields are displayed together and on which visit they appear to the contact. Unlike List mode, you do not have to have a static number of fields to display, as different stages can have a different amount of fields, so you can coordinate for certain fields to appear together in accordance to how many times the contact has filled out the form. Different stages are divided by a dotted line. See Configuring a progressive profile in staged mode for the Design Editor if you're working in the Design Editor.

To configure a progressive profile in staged mode:

An image of the Progressive Profile configuration window with Staged mode selected.

  1. Click Progressive Profile in the left toolbar.
  2. Select your progressive profile and click Staged under Display Settings.

    To learn more about List mode, see Configuring a progressive profile in list mode for the Classic Design Editor .

  3. Drag contact and custom fields inside. If you already have fields in place they will be divided into groups of four.
  4. Click Add Stage.
  5. Note: If using Staged mode, progressive profiles need at least two stages with at least one field to be saved.

  6. Move fields using the arrows from one stage to another until all your stages are in their desired places.
  7. Delete a stage by selecting the stage and then clicking the An image of the Delete icon, which is represented by a black X. button in the upper-right corner.
  8. Click Save to save your changes.

You have now configured your progressive profile in Staged mode.

Learn more

Progressive profiles

Configuring a progressive profile in list mode for the Classic Design Editor
