Insight metrics

Reports in Insight are built using a combination of attributes and metrics. Attributes are characteristics of your Oracle Eloqua data while metrics are qualitative measures of the attributes. The attribute provides context to the metric in the report. For example, City is an attribute and Total Clickthroughs is a metric. When combined in a report, City is a row and Total Clickthroughs a column. Thus you can learn about the clickthroughs by city. Attributes and metrics that can be combined are provided in a subject area.

Insight metrics are organized under the following types:

Campaign activities

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Total Outbound Activities

The total outbound activities. (Outbound Positive activities + Outbound Negative activities) Outbound Positive activities include emails sent. Outbound Negative activities include email bouncebacks.

Tip: You can use the Activity Type attributes for a break down of positive and negative activities.

  • Account Activity
Total Outbound Activities The amount of outbound activity. Outbound activities include emails sent, emails delivered, and surveys sent. This counts all of the activity including multiple activities by the same campaign member.

An outbound activity can be generated by a contact that was initially targeted by the campaign or by a contact that performed an outbound activity (for example, via a forwarded email).
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Activity by Asset
Unique Outbound Activities

The number of contacts with at least one outbound activity.

  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
Total Inbound Activities

The amount of inbound activity. (Inbound Positive activities + Inbound Negative activities) Inbound Positive activities include email opens and clickthroughs, form submissions, web page views, and external activities. Inbound Negative activities include email unsubscribes.

Tip: You can use the Activity Type attributes for a break down of positive and negative activities.

  • Account Activity
Total Inbound Activities

The amount of inbound activity. Inbound activities include email opens, clickthroughs, form submissions, and so on. This counts all of the activity including multiple activities by the same campaign member.

An inbound activity can be generated by a contact that was initially targeted by the campaign or by a contact that performed an inbound activity (for example, via a forwarded email).

  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Activity by Asset
Unique Inbound Activities

The number of contacts that performed at least one inbound activity.

  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
Total Responses The total response activity for the campaign. Your organization defines what a response is and the priority of the response using response rules.

Although a campaign member might respond in many ways to a campaign (for example, clicking through an email or submitting a form), Oracle Eloqua records only the response deemed by your organization as the highest priority response. For example, a form submit at your organization might be considered a higher priority response than an email click-through. So, even if a contact performed both of these responses, Oracle Eloqua records the form submit as a response to the campaign.

Responses are captured for a campaign only after the campaign's reporting start date.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Response
  • Campaign Activity by Asset
Unique Responses The number of contacts that performed at least one campaign response.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Response
Average Responses The average number of campaign responses. (Total Responses / Campaign Count)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Response
Total External Activities The activity that occurred outside of Oracle Eloqua. For example, attending a trade show, or interacting with an app such as WeChat. Your organization defines external activities.
  • Account Activity
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign External Activity
  • Campaign Activity by Asset
Campaign Count A count of all campaigns included in the analysis.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Response
Campaign Members The total contacts that entered campaigns included in the analysis. Campaign members could be contacts that were initially targeted by the campaign, or contacts that performed an inbound activity (for example, a contact that clicked through an email that was forwarded to them).
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Response
New Contacts The total new contacts. A contact is considered new if the contact record was created as a result of a campaign response. Your organization defines what a response is and the priority of the response using response rules.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
New Leads The total new leads generated by the campaign. A lead is generated if a contact is newly acquired and responds to the campaign. Contacts are considered leads only once, so contacts are considered new leads only the first time they respond to a campaign. For subsequent responses, the contact is considered an existing lead. Your organization defines what a response is and the priority of the response using response rules.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Response
Total Leads

The total leads.

  • Campaign Response
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
Unique Leads The unique leads.
  • Campaign Response
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis

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Campaign rates

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Inbound Activity Rate The total inbound activities divided by the total campaign members. (Total Inbound Activities / Campaign Members)
  • Campaign Analysis
Unique Inbound Activity Rate The unique inbound activities divided by the total campaign members. (Unique Inbound Activities / Campaign Members )
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Revenue Analysis
Response Rate The total campaign responses divided by the total campaign members. (Total Responses / Campaign Members)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Response
Unique Response Rate The total unique responses divided by Campaign Members. (Unique Responses / Campaign Members)
  • Campaign Analysis

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SMS activities

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Total Sends The total SMS messages sent.
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Total Delivered The total number of successfully delivered SMS messages.
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Total Hard Bouncebacks The total number of SMS hard bouncebacks.
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Total Soft Bouncebacks The total number of SMS soft bouncebacks.
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Total Bouncebacks The total number of SMS hard and soft bouncebacks.
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Total Failed The total number of failed SMS messages. Failed messages were not sent at all. A message failure could be a skipped message (no code available for the country) or an error with the SMS service.
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Total Clickthroughs The total number of clickthroughs from SMS messages. This includes multiple clicks by the same recipient.
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Unique Clickthroughs The total SMS message recipients that clicked at least one tracked link in a message. One clickthrough is counted for each recipient that clicked in the message.
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Total Opt-Ins The total number SMS opt-in responses received.
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Total Opt-Outs The total number of SMS opt-out responses received.
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Total Received The total received SMS messages.
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities

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SMS rates

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Clickthrough Rate The total SMS clicks divided by the total SMS delivered. (Total Clicks / Total Delivered)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Delivered Rate The total SMS delivered divided by the total SMS sends. (Total Delivered / Total Sends)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Failed Rate The total SMS failed divided by the total SMS sends. (Total Failed / Total Sends)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Bounceback Rate The total SMS bouncebacks divided by the total SMS sends. (Total Bouncebacks / Total Sends)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Soft Bounceback Rate The total SMS soft bouncebacks divided by the total SMS sends. (Total Soft Bouncebacks / Total Sends)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Hard Bounceback Rate The total SMS hard bouncebacks divided by the total SMS sends. (Total Hard Bouncebacks / Total Sends)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Opt-In Rate The total SMS opt-in responses divided by the total SMS sends. (Total Opt-Ins / Total Sends)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities
Opt-Out Rate The total SMS opt-out responses divided by the total SMS sends. (Total Opt-Outs / Total Sends)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • SMS Activities

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Email activities

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Total Sends

The total sends of the dynamic content rule.

  • Dynamic Content
Total Sends The total emails sent.
  • Account Activity
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Send
  • Email Sales Activity
Total Bouncebacks The total emails that returned a bounceback (hard or soft).
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Bounceback
  • Email Sales Activity
Total Hard Bouncebacks The total emails that returned a hard bounceback. A hard bounce is an email that permanently could not be delivered.
  • Account Activity
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Bounceback
Total Soft Bouncebacks The total messages that returned a soft bounceback. A soft bounce is a message that temporarily could not be delivered.
  • Account Activity
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Bounceback
Total Delivered

The total emails delivered. (Total Sends - Total Bouncebacks)

Note: A sent email is considered delivered unless the receiving ISP reports a bounceback. Because there can be delays in the ISP sending that bounceback report, the total delivered emails may change over time.

  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Sales Activity
Total Opens The total opens by email recipients (original recipients or email forwards). An open is counted every time the email is opened.
  • Account Activity
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Bounceback
  • Email Open
  • Email Sales Activity
Unique Opens The first open of the dynamic content rule. One open is counted the first time the email is opened by the recipient (this metric does not distinguish between the original recipient and the recipient of a forward).
  • Dynamic Content
Unique Opens The total recipients (original recipients or email forwards) that opened an email at least once. One open is counted for each recipient that opened the email.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Bounceback
  • Email Open
  • Email Sales Activity
Auto Open Email opens detected as being opened by a scanning or privacy tool. These opens are not included in Total Opens or any associated open rates.
  • Email Open
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Activity
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
Opened Sends The unique opens for the emails that were sent. This metric ignores possible forwards. This metric is used to calculate Click-to-Open Rate.
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
Opened Sends The unique opens for the emails that were sent. This metric ignores possible forwards.  
Total Possible Forwards The total number of times that the email was forwarded. This includes all the times that an email was forwarded, including multiple forwards by the same recipient.
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Sales Activity
Total Possible Forwards The total number of emails that were forwarded. This includes all the times that an email was forwarded, including multiple forwards by the same recipient.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
Total Possible Forwarders The number of original recipients that forwarded the email at least once.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
Total Unsubscribes The total email recipients that unsubscribed (globally or spam unsubscribed).
  • Account Activity
Total Unsubscribes by Email The total email recipients that unsubscribed (globally or spam unsubscribed).
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Unsubscribe
Total Unsubscribes by Email Group The total email recipients that unsubscribed (globally or spam unsubscribed) aggregated by email group.
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Unsubscribe
Total Spam Unsubscribes The total email recipients that marked the email as spam.
  • Account Activity
Total Spam Unsubscribes by Email The total email recipients that marked the email as spam.
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Spam Unsubscribe
Total Spam Unsubscribes by Email The total email recipients that marked a campaign email as spam.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
Total Spam Unsubscribes by Email Group The total spam unsubscribes aggregated by email group.
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Spam Unsubscribe
Total Clickthroughs The total clickthroughs for the dynamic content rule. This includes all clicks by the same recipient for the rule.
  • Dynamic Content
Total Clickthroughs The total clickthroughs. This includes multiple clicks by the same recipient. System Action links are not tracked.
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Clickthrough
  • Email Sales Activity
Total Clickthroughs The number of times that any tracked link in an email was clicked. This includes multiple clicks by the same recipient.
  • Account Activity
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
Existing Visitor Clickthroughs Total email clickthroughs by returning visitors. A returning visitor has an existing Oracle Eloqua cookie. The cookie is unique to the browser and device.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Clickthrough
New Visitor Clickthroughs Total email clickthroughs by new visitors. An new visitor does not have an Oracle Eloqua cookie. The cookie is unique to the browser and device.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Clickthrough
Clicked Sends The unique clickthroughs by the original recipient. This metric ignores possible forwards. This metric is used to calculate Click-to-Open Rate.
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
Auto Click Number of click-throughs detected as being auto-clicked by scanning or privacy tools. These click-throughs are not included in the Total Clickthroughs metric or any associated click-through rates.
  • Email Clickthrough
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Activity
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
Unique Clickthroughs

The unique clickthroughs for the dynamic content. A unique clickthrough is counted when any link in the dynamic content rule is clicked for the first time. This means that if the original recipient and a forwarded email recipient both clicked the link, only one unique clickthrough is counted.

  • Dynamic Content
Unique Clickthroughs The total recipients (original recipients or email forwards) that clicked at least one tracked link in an email. One clickthrough is counted for each recipient that clicked a link in the email.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
  • Email Clickthrough
  • Email Sales Activity
Total Form Submissions from Email The total form submissions that can be attributed back to the email sent.
  • Account Activity
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
Unique Form Submissions from Email The total unique form submissions that can be attributed back to the email sent.
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Activity
Total Subscribed Contacts The total contacts subscribed to the email group.
  • Email Group Subscribe
Total Unsubscribed Contacts The total contacts that unsubscribed from the email group.
  • Email Group Subscribe
Total Contacts The total contacts subscribed to the email group.
  • Email Group Subscribe
Clickthrough Link Count The total clickthroughs.
  • Email Clickthrough
Most Recent Clickthrough Date The most recent clickthrough date and time.
  • Email Sales Activity
Most Recent Open Date The most recent open date and time.
  • Email Sales Activity
Total Personal Sends The total tracked emails sent from Eloqua Sales Tools that did not use an email template.
  • Email Sales Activity
Total Templated Sends The total tracked emails sent from Eloqua Sales Tools that used an email template.
  • Email Sales Activity
Total Unsubscribes The total email recipients that unsubscribed from a tracked email sent from Eloqua Sales Tools. Unsubscribes include global unsubscribes and spam unsubscribes.
  • Email Sales Activity

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Email rates

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Bounceback Rate The total bouncebacks (hard and soft) divided by the total emails sent. (Total Bouncebacks / Total Sends)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Sales Activity
Hard Bounceback Rate The total hard bouncebacks divided by the total number of emails sent. (Total Hard Bouncebacks / Total Sends)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
Soft Bounceback Rate The total soft bouncebacks divided by the total number of emails sent. (Total Soft Bouncebacks / Total Sends)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
Delivered Rate The total emails delivered divided by the total emails sent. (Total Delivered / Total Sent)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
Open Rate The total opens divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. (Total Opens / Total Delivered)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
Unique Open Rate The unique opens divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. (Unique Opens / Total Delivered)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Sales Activity
Possible Forward Rate The total possible forwarders divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. (Total Possible Forwarders / Total Delivered)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
Unsubscribe Rate The total unsubscribes divided by the total emails delivered. (Total Unsubscribes by Email / Total Delivered)
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Sales Activity
Unsubscribe Rate The total unsubscribes divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. (Total Unsubscribes / Total Delivered)
  • Campaign Analysis
Clickthrough Rate The total clickthroughs divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. (Total Clickthroughs / Total Delivered)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
Unique Clickthrough Rate The unique clickthroughs divided by the total number of emails delivered. (Unique Clickthroughs / Total Delivered)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
  • Email Sales Activity
Click-to-Open Rate

The unique clickthroughs by the original recipient divided by the unique opens by the original recipient. This metric calculation ignores possible forwards. (Clicked Sends / Opened Sends)

Note: Clicked Sends and Opened Sends are not exposed in campaign subject areas.

  • Campaign Analysis
  • Email Analysis by Send Date
Form Conversion Rate from Email The total form submissions that can be attributed back to the email sent divided by the total emails delivered. (Total Form Submissions from Email / Total Delivered)
  • Email Analysis by Send Date

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Form activities

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Total Form Submissions The total forms submitted. This includes multiple submissions by the same contact.
  • Account Activity
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Form Submission
  • Landing Page Analysis
Unique Form Submissions The total unique form submissions. One form submission is counted for each contact that submitted a form.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Form Submission

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Form rates

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Form Submission Rate

The total forms submitted divided by the number of times the form was viewed. (Total Form Submissions / Total Form Views)

Note: A form view can be implied. For example, Eloqua records a form view if there is a form submission. This may be the case if an API is used to submit a form.

  • Campaign Analysis
  • Form Submission
  • Landing Page Analysis
Unique Form Submission Rate

The unique form submissions divided by unique page views. (Unique Form Submissions / Unique Page Views)

Note: When there is a high Unique Form Submission Rate this implies form submissions from untracked sources (like an API).

  • Campaign Analysis
  • Form Submission

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Landing page activities

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Average Landing Page Time The average amount of time spent on a landing page. (Landing Page Time / Landing Page Views)
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Landing Page Analysis
Landing Page Time The total time spent on a landing page in seconds.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Landing Page Analysis
Landing Page Views The number of times that visitors viewed a landing page.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Landing Page Analysis

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Web activities

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Total Page Views The number of times that a page was viewed. A visitor might view the page multiple times during a visit and this metric counts each of those views. One page view is counted every time the page is loaded.
  • Account Activity
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Web Visit Analysis
  • Webpage Activity
  • Landing Page Analysis
  • Query String Parameters
Unique Page Views The unique visits to a web page. Also known as Total Visitors.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Web Visit Analysis
Total Visitors The unique visitors to a web page. A visitor is identified by the unique visitor identifier that is part of the Oracle Eloqua cookie. The cookie is unique to the browser and device.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
  • Web Visit Analysis
  • Webpage Activity
  • Landing Page Analysis
Unique Visitors The unique visits to a web page. Also known as Total Visitors.
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Campaign Activity by Activity Date
Total New Visitors The total visitors without an Oracle Eloqua cookie. The cookie is unique to the browser and device.
A new visitor is a visitor using a browser or device that doesn't have an Oracle Eloqua cookie. This could be because the visitor:
  • Never visited a tracked page or clicked through a link
  • Visited from a new browser, computer, or device
  • Deleted the cookie
  • Previously had disabled browser cookies
  • Web Visit Analysis
  • Webpage Activity
  • Landing Page Analysis
Total Returning Visitors The total visitors with an existing Oracle Eloqua cookie. The cookie is unique to the browser and device.
  • Web Visit Analysis
  • Webpage Activity
Total Visits The total visits to a web page. This metric counts one visit for all the page views in the session.
A visit is also known as a session. A visit consists of all the visitor's interactions before their session ends. A session ends when a visitor exists your website, closes their browser, or after 10 minutes of inactivity.
  • Web Visit Analysis
  • Webpage Activity
  • Landing Page Analysis
# of Navigations for a Page The number of times that a page was viewed. Also known as Total Page Views.
  • Webpage Activity
Average Page Views per Visitor The total page views divided by the total visitors. (Total Page Views / Total Visitors)
  • Web Visit Analysis
  • Webpage Activity
  • Landing Page Analysis
Average Page Time (seconds) The average amount of time in seconds. (Total Page Time / Total Page Views)
  • Web Visit Analysis
  • Webpage Activity
  • Landing Page Analysis
Average Page Views Per Visit The total page views by total visits. (Total Page Views / Total Visits)
  • Web Visit Analysis
  • Webpage Activity
  • Landing Page Analysis
Total Visits Bounced

The total visits where a visitor has a single page view in the session.

Total Page Time (seconds) The amount of time a visitor spent on a page in seconds. The difference in seconds between the time stamp of a page view and the time stamp of the following page view.
  • Web Visit Analysis
  • Webpage Activity
Total Query String Parameter Values Total query string parameter value count.
  • Web Visit Analysis
Total Visits by Contact Visitors

Total visits by a visitor that is linked to a contact. Linking a visitor profile to a contact record can result from various marketing activities such as an email open or clickthrough, form submission, or can be done manually.

  • Web Visit Analysis
Total Visits by Non-Contact Visitors

Total visits by a visitor that is not linked to a contact.

  • Web Visit Analysis

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Web rates

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Bounce Rate The % of visitors who left your site after viewing only visiting one page. (Total Visits Bounced / Total Visits)
  • Web Visit Analysis
  • Webpage Activity
Returning Visitor Rate The total returning visitors divided by the total visitors. (Total Returning Visitors / Total Visitors)
  • Web Visit Analysis
  • Webpage Activity

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All activities

Metric name Metric definition Available from these subject areas
Total Activities The total activities. (Total Outbound Activities + Total Inbound Activities)

Tip: You can use the Activity Type attributes for a break down of positive and negative activities.

  • Account Activity

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Step 2: Adding columns to the analysis