Sales Email Overview report


This report shows email metrics for emails sent using Engage and sent within the specified time frame. You can use this report to view detailed metrics by user and territory. You can also use this report to see whether your Engage users are using email templates. Since the report data is grouped by territory, you can also use this report to compare email activity across territories.

  • Folder location: Catalog/Shared Folders/Email/Sales Email Reports
  • Subject area: Email Sales Activity
  • Questions this report helps you answer: Which Engage users are sending emails? How have our Engage emails been performing? Are Engage users sending emails without a template?
  • Related reports:
    • Sales Email Opens and Website Visits
    • Sales Email Template Usage

Good to know

  • When you run this report, you specify the time frame during which an email was sent. The performance metrics included in the report are not limited to that same time frame. The metrics reflect the activity that happened as a result of the email being sent. For example, you want to report on the performance of emails sent last month. If a contact opened the email yesterday and followed a link, the report you run for last month will reflect that activity from yesterday.
  • Unless otherwise noted, forwarded messages count toward the metrics in this report. For example, if a campaign member or email recipient forwarded an email, and the recipient clicked a link, the recipient's clickthrough would count towards the clickthrough metrics in this report.
  • All unique metrics, such as unique opens or unique clickthroughs, are calculated on a per contact basis. This means that if a contact opens or clicks through an email multiple times, the unique total sum will only count each metric once per contact.
  • A Tracked Email is a non-templated blank email sent by a sales rep using Engage. Learn more.


An image showing a sample Sales Email Overview report

Report prompts

Prompt Description
Email Send Date Show emails sent within this date range.
Select a User that Sent the Emails Optionally, show only emails sent by these Engage users.

Report metrics

Metric Description Drill to
Total Sends The total emails sent. -
Total Templated Sends The total number of emails sent during the specified time frame that used an email template. -
Total Personal Sends The total number of emails sent during the specified time frame that did not use a template. -
Total Delivered

The total emails delivered. (Total Sends - Total Bouncebacks)

Note: A sent email is considered delivered unless the receiving ISP reports a bounceback. Because there can be delays in the ISP sending that bounceback report, the total delivered emails may change over time.

Total Opens

The total opens by email recipients (original recipients or email forwards). An open is counted every time the email is opened.

Unique Opens The total recipients (original recipients or email forwards) that opened an email at least once. One open is counted for each recipient that opened the email. -
Unique Open Rate The unique opens divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. (Unique Opens / Total Delivered) -
Total Clickthroughs The total clickthroughs. This includes multiple clicks by the same recipient. System Action links are not tracked. -
Unique Clickthroughs

The total recipients (original recipients or email forwards) that clicked at least one tracked link in an email. One clickthrough is counted for each recipient that clicked a link in the email.

Unique Clickthrough Rate The unique clickthroughs divided by the total number of emails delivered. (Unique Clickthroughs / Total Delivered) -
Total Forwards The total number of times that the email was forwarded. This includes all the times that an email was forwarded, including multiple forwards by the same recipient. -
Total Bouncebacks The total emails that returned a bounceback (hard or soft). -
Bounceback Rate The total bouncebacks (hard and soft) divided by the total emails sent. (Total Bouncebacks / Total Sends) -
Total Unsubscribes The total email recipients that unsubscribed from a tracked email sent from Eloqua Sales Tools. Unsubscribes include global unsubscribes and spam unsubscribes. -
Unsubscribe Rate The total unsubscribes divided by the total emails delivered. (Total Unsubscribes by Email / Total Delivered) -

Learn more


Website Overview report

Email Analysis Overview report

Common reports