Step 7: Saving the analysis

We're now ready to save our analysis. We will save the analysis to a shared folder so that any user can run the analysis. You can save analyses to a personal folder (called My Folders) or to the shared folder called My Company Shared. The personal folder contents are only visible to you. The My Company Shared folder contents are visible to all of your organization's report users.

To save the analysis:

  1. Click The Save icon Save.

    The Save As dialog appears.

    This image shows the Save As dialog box

  2. Expand Company Shared.

    Since you cannot save an analysis to the root of this folder, we will create a new folder for our analysis.

  3. Click The New Folder icon New Folder.
  4. Type Custom Email Reports and click OK.
  5. Type Emails Sent Within a Date Range in the Name text box. This is the name that is used in the report catalog.
  6. Type a description of the analysis in the Description text area. This description will help users understand what the analysis contains.
  7. Click OK. Your analysis is now available in the Insight catalog.

    This image shows the final report in the catalog

Note: The folder paths only support ASCII characters.

Congratulations! You've created your first analysis!

Now that you're done

Now that you have created your first analysis, check out these additional tutorials:

Oracle University offers the following instructor-led courses to help you achieve success:

Also be sure to checkout the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Help Center where you can find more resources on using Oracle BI Enterprise Edition. Remember though, not all of the features included in a stand-alone version of Oracle BI EE are available in Insight.