Steps to configure closed-loop reporting

The following table provides an overview of the steps you need to configure closed-loop reporting with Salesforce:

Step Description

Preliminary setup

Create the necessary campaign fields and external assets.

See Preliminary setup for closed-loop reporting

Configure campaign response rules

Create response rules that defines campaign activities that are important to your organization and will be used to update the Salesforce campaign member status.

See Creating campaign response rules for closed-loop reporting

Configure campaign revenue settings

Setup the Salesforce opportunity stages in Oracle Eloqua and configure how to attribute revenue to campaigns.

See Configuring campaign revenue settings for closed-loop reporting

Configure the auto synchs

Configure the auto synchs used to import campaign and opportunity data from Salesforce.

See Configuring auto synchs for closed-loop reporting

Configure external calls

Configure the external calls to export campaign data and campaign associations to Salesforce.

See Configuring external calls for closed-loop reporting.

Configure the programs

Configure the program used to send campaign data to Salesforce and update the main CRM update program.

See Sending campaign data to Salesforce for closed-loop reporting and Updating the CRM update program for closed-loop reporting.

Initializing and monitoring the Salesforce integration

Re-initialize the systems that were disabled during the preliminary setup, then configure the notifications needed to monitor and maintain the integration.

See Initializing closed-loop reporting.

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Closed-loop reporting with Salesforce