Configuring external calls for closed-loop reporting

External calls are the external CRM system calls that Oracle Eloqua uses to keep Salesforce and Oracle Eloqua synchronized. For general information about external calls, see Managing native CRM external calls.

The initial integration with Salesforce included external calls to synchronize leads and contacts. Now you must configure the external calls required for closed-loop reporting:

  • Create Campaign
  • Update Campaign
  • Contact Campaign Association
  • Lead Campaign Association

These external calls will be triggered by internal activities that will be enabled at the end of the close-loop reporting configuration. See Initializing closed-loop reporting for more information.

Before you begin:

  • This task is part of the implementing closed-loop reporting with Salesforce. For an overview of the implementation steps, see Steps to configure closed-loop reporting
  • Create any necessary campaign fields in Oracle Eloqua. See Creating campaign fields for more information.
  • The external calls used for campaign association may have been setup after you ran the CRM Integration Wizard. If is the case, you can use the steps below to configure those calls instead of creating new ones.

Preconfiguration: Creating folders

External calls are organized into folders. If they don't already exist, you should create a Campaigns folder for the closed-loop reporting external calls.

Note: The folders and paths discussed in this document are the defaults or recommendations. Your environment may use different names.

To create the required folders:

  1. Click Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..
  2. Click Integration under Platform Extensions.
  3. Click the Outbound tab.
  4. Click the External Calls tab in the left pane.
  5. Under All External Calls, expand the External Calls folder.
  6. Click the arrow beside the Send Data folder, then click Create New Folder.
  7. Enter Campaigns in the Folder Name box.
  8. Add a folder description.
  9. Click Save and Close.

Creating external calls

Before creating an external call, check to see if it already exists. If the external call does exist, you can use the steps below to help configure it.

To create the external calls for closed-loop reporting:

  1. Click Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..
  2. Click Integration under Platform Extensions.
  3. Click the Outbound tab.
  4. On the Internal Events tab, expand the Campaign folder.
  5. Click the arrow next to the internal event, and select Create New External Call. Refer to the following table for the internal events to use.
    External callInternal event

    Create Campaign

    Create Campaign

    Update Campaign

    Update Campaign

    Contact Campaign Association

    Campaign Association - Contact

    Lead Campaign Association

    Campaign Association - Contact

  6. The External Call Wizard opens.

    An image of the first page of the External Call Wizard

  7. Configure the External Call Details settings for each of the four external calls as follows:
    External callConfiguration

    Create Campaign

    External Call Name: Create Campaign

    External Call Description: (Optional)

    Save in Folder: Send Data - Campaigns

    External User: Default Salesforce User

    Delay This Call By: 0

    This delay setting means that there will be no time delay to start the activity after it is triggered.

    Update Campaign

    External Call Name: Update Campaign

    The remaining settings are the same as for the Create Campaign external call.

    Contact Campaign Association

    External Call Name: Contact Campaign Association

    The remaining settings are the same as for the Create Campaign external call.

    Lead Campaign Association

    External Call Name: Lead Campaign Association

    The remaining settings are the same as for the Create Campaign external call.

  8. Click Next. The Target Details settings are displayed.

    An image of step two of the External Call Wizard

  9. Configure the Target Details settings as follows:

    External callConfiguration

    Create Campaign

    Action: Create

    Entity: Campaign

    Retrieve 18 character IDs: Enable if applicable (15 character IDs are typical when integrating with Salesforce)

    Note: If you do enable this setting, you must ensure that all external activities are set up to retrieve 18 character IDs.

    Field to store the Salesforce entity ID: System Defined

    Update Campaign

    Action: Update

    The remaining settings are the same as for the Create Campaign external call.

    Contact Campaign Association

    Action: Create

    Entity: Campaign Member

    The remaining settings are the same as for the Create Campaign external call.

    Lead Campaign Association

    Configure these settings the same as the Contact Campaign Association external call.

  10. Click Next. The Field Mapping settings are displayed.

    An image of the Field Mapping settings in the External Call Wizard

  11. Configure the mappings between Salesforce and Oracle Eloqua fields by dragging and dropping Oracle Eloqua fields into the Field Expression column. The following table provides details for configuring mappings for each external call.
    External callMapping configuration details

    Create Campaign

    • For the Salesforce Active field, set the value to 1. This will set the campaign as active in Salesforce when the campaign information is sent over.
    • Map Oracle Eloqua fields to Salesforce to meet your specific requirements.

    Update Campaign

    • Map the Oracle Eloqua External Campaign ID field to the Salesforce Campaign ID field.
    • Map other Oracle Eloqua fields to Salesforce to meet your specific requirements.

    Contact Campaign Association

    • Map the Oracle Eloqua Campaign ID to Salesforce Campaign ID.
    • Map the Oracle Eloqua SFDC Contact ID to Salesforce Contact ID.
    • Map the Oracle Eloqua Status to Salesforce Status.

    Lead Campaign Association

    Map only the following Oracle Eloqua fields to Salesforce:

    • Map the Oracle Eloqua Campaign ID to Salesforce Campaign ID.
    • Map the Oracle Eloqua SFDCLeadID to Salesforce Lead ID.
    • Map the Oracle Eloqua Status to Salesforce Status.
  12. Click Next. The Event Mapping page opens.
  13. Confirm that the internal event triggers external call you are creating. Click Next.

    The following image shows that the Create Campaign internal event is triggering the Create Campaign external call.

    An image highlighting that the Create Campaign internal event triggers the Create Campaign external call

  14. The Testing step is optional.
    1. Click An image of the Test icon to select an existing Oracle Eloqua campaign to test the external call.
    2. Click Prepare for Test to ensure there are no errors.
    3. Click Execute Test when there are no errors to be resolved.
    4. Use the Testing Data table to confirm that the Oracle Eloqua data was sent to Salesforce.
  15. Click Finish.

After you finish: Continue to Sending campaign data to Salesforce for closed-loop reporting.

Learn more

Configuring external calls for closed-loop reporting

Closed-loop reporting with Salesforce