Steps to integrate with Salesforce

Important: The Salesforce native integration was deprecated February 1, 2021. We recommend using the the Salesforce Integration app in its place. Learn more in our product notice.

The following table provides an overview of the steps you need to complete to integrate Salesforce and Oracle Eloqua:

Step Description

Preliminary Salesforce setup

Complete the initial setup in Salesforce which involves creating a CRM integration user and adding Oracle Eloqua to the list of trusted servers.

See Preliminary Salesforce setup for your integration.

Preliminary Oracle Eloqua setup

Complete the initial setup in Oracle Eloqua. This involves the following:

  • Confirming access to Salesforce using the CRM integration user
  • Running the CRM Integration Wizard to start the integration process
  • Disabling queues and auto synchs so that the systems do not synchronize while you complete the configuration

See Preliminary Oracle Eloqua setup for your integration.

Configure data synchronization from Salesforce to Oracle Eloqua

Configure the auto synchs to import Salesforce account, contact, and lead data to Oracle Eloqua.

See Configuring data imports from Salesforce.

Configure data synchronization between Oracle Eloqua and Salesforce

Configure how to synch data from Oracle Eloqua to Salesforce. This configuration involves the following: 

  • Configuring which data sources have priority to update Oracle Eloqua data
  • Setup any contact and account record fields in Oracle Eloqua that are needed for data synchronization
  • Specifying how to link accounts to contacts
  • Configuring external calls that will create and update in Salesforce
  • Creating custom web links for Salesforce users
  • Enabling the CRM Email Opt Out program which ensures email opt-out settings are synchronized
  • Configuring the program used to trigger updates to leads and contacts in Salesforce.
  • Enabling activity writing so that Oracle Eloqua-tracked activities, such as email clickthroughs, website visits, and form submissions, can be written to Salesforce as closed tasks

See Configuring data exports from Oracle Eloqua to Salesforce.

Initializing and monitoring the Salesforce integration

Re-initialize the systems that were disabled during the preliminary setup, then configure the notifications needed to monitor and maintain the integration. This involves the following:

  • Enabling the auto synchs
  • Enabling the internal and external queues
  • Configuring system notifications about errors

See Initializing and monitoring the Salesforce integration.

Learn more

Integrating Oracle Eloqua with Salesforce