Matching to Oracle Eloqua contacts based on a domain

If you are investigating a company by visiting their website, Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Google Chrome looks up the contacts at that domain (or company). These contacts are found by comparing the domain of contact's email addresses in Eloqua with the domain of the web page. This includes web pages with subdomains as well as nested pages.

Example: If you navigate to, Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Google Chrome will display all the contacts in Eloqua with Oracle in their email address.

An image of the Oracle page with Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Google Chrome displaying a list of contacts with a set domain.

The number of contacts found is displayed in the badge on the extension icon. The badge updates to show the contacts at the a web page for a new tab or window.

Note: In order to use this feature, Search must be enabled in Profiler Global Settings while installing or re-configuring Profiler.

To match Eloqua contacts based on a domain:

  1. Navigate to a web page.
  2. Click the Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Google Chrome icon. A list of Eloqua contacts whose email address matches the domain of the website is displayed. You can filter your contacts.
  3. Click individual contacts to view their Profiler digital body language.

Learn more

Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Google Chrome
