Allowlist support

Allowlisting features of Oracle Eloqua may be used as an additional layer of protection to prevent unauthorized access to Oracle Eloqua and can help secure the usage of Oracle Eloqua.

IP allowlists

An IP allowlist lets you to restrict access to Oracle Eloqua based on an IP address. It prevents a user from logging in to Oracle Eloqua from an untrusted IP address.

IP allowlisting lets you to do the following:

  • Prevent unauthorized users from using Oracle Eloqua credentials.
  • Ensure that former employees can no longer access Oracle Eloqua. Most organizations disable internal and VPN network access when an employee exits.
  • Prevent access to unauthorized Oracle Marketing AppCloud apps.

Learn more about IP allowlists.

Domain allowlists

A domain allowlist lets you to manage lists of trusted domains. A domain allowlist is required for the following areas:

  • Domains that Oracle Eloqua can crawl as part of your web crawler setup.
  • Domains that can be used to test tracking scripts.
  • Domains that can host the external forms integrated with Oracle Eloqua.
  • Domains that can be redirected to when an Oracle Eloqua form is submitted.

When you setup your domain allowlist, you create a separate list for each area above. When users perform any of the actions above, Oracle Eloqua validates the domain used against the allowlist and blocks domains that are not on the list.

Learn more about domain allowlists.

Allowing frameable pages

To prevent security vulnerabilities, by default Oracle Eloqua pages cannot be embedded into an HTML page using an inline frame (iframe). However, you can manage exceptions to this setting through a allowlist. The allowlist consists of pages that can be used in an inline frame.

Learn more about embedding Oracle Eloqua pages in an inline frame.

Learn more

Allowing domains

Restricting access using an IP allowlist

Allowing Oracle Eloqua pages to be embedded in an inline frame

allowlist, allowing, allow, allowlisting, whitelist