Developer Mode - IQL Reference

This section details the Infinity Query Language (IQL) syntax available for Developer Mode within Actions.

In this topic:


Tip: See Using Developer Mode within Actions - Clauses for guidance on clauses.



ON TRIGGER() defines whether a session should qualify for an Action to be triggered. For example, the following trigger will execute the action when a the session is closed if a user has performed a View Product behavior within the session (see Behaviors for Behavior definitions):

Example Syntax

Sample IQL Query

ON TRIGGER ( behavior.[View Product] AND behavior.[Close session] ) SELECT behavior.[View Product].[Product SKU]

Sample Explained

Triggers once the session has closed if a user has performed a View Product behavior within a session. It will emit the SKUs of all products which have been viewed:

Product SKU

Note: What's the difference between WHERE and ON TRIGGER()?

Broadly speaking, you should use ON TRIGGER() to decide what behaviors should qualify a session for the action to trigger and then WHERE to further refine whether the action should trigger. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions for the difference between WHERE and ON TRIGGER()and advice on when you should use each. Additionally, you can view some Example Queries.

Tip: Working with open sessions

Please note that once the ON TRIGGER() conditions are met - the session will be in a qualified state. From that point on, all further events within the session will trigger your action. To ensure that actions are only triggered for the specific events you want - you should use a WHERE clause to define when the action should trigger.

This is particularly important if you are triggering actions for an open session (using NOT behavior.[Close session]). For closed sessions (behavior.[Close session]), this doesn't really matter as this is the final event within the session.

Please see Using WHERE to work with Open Sessions for further details.



Define what data you would like to select and pass on to your desired destination:

Tip: You can use Aliases to give your selections user-friendly names.

Sample IQL Query

ON TRIGGER (NOT behavior.[Close session]) SELECT parameter.[Page URL] as 'My Page URL', data.wt.my_parameter WHERE Exists(parameter.[Page URL]) AND Exists(data.wt.my_parameter)

Sample Explained

Selects the Page URL parameter and data.wt.my_parameter parameter for the matching result. For example:

My Page URL data.wt.my_parameter Example value for my parameter



Apply additional criteria for when your action should trigger:

Sample IQL Query

ON TRIGGER ( Exists(parameter.[Page Title]) AND NOT behavior.[Close session] ) SELECT parameter.[Page Title], parameter.[Product SKU] WHERE Exists(parameter.[Product SKU]) parameter.[Page Title] LIKE "%my cart%")

Sample Explained

Triggers when the user views a page with a Page Title containing 'my cart' (and selects the Page Title and Product SKU of the matching result) but only when the Product SKU parameter is available.

Page Title Product SKU
My E-commerce Site | My Cart SKU14234

Tip: Working with open sessions

Please note that with once the ON TRIGGER() conditions are met - the session will be in a qualified state. From that point on, all further events within the session will trigger your action. To ensure that actions are only triggered for the specific events you want - you should use a WHERE clause to define when the action should trigger.

This is particularly important if you are triggering actions for an open session (using NOT behavior.[Close session]). For closed sessions (behavior.[Close session]), this doesn't really matter as this is the final event within the session.

Please see Using WHERE to work with Open Sessions for further details.


Here is a list of available operators:



Standard AND boolean operator:

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE parameter.[Page Title] = 'home' AND parameter.[Page URL] LIKE '%cart%' ...



Standard OR boolean operator:

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE parameter.[Page Title] = 'home' OR NOT parameter.[Page URL] LIKE '%cart%' ...

= (equals)



Sample IQL Query

... WHERE parameter.[Page Title] = 'home' ...

<> | != (not equal)


Not equal to:

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE parameter.[Page Title] != 'home' AND parameter.[Page URL] <> '' ...

LIKE (contains, starts with and ends with)


Can be used for contains (by enclosing value with %), starts with (end with %) or ends with (start with %):

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE parameter.[Page Title] LIKE '%home%' OR parameter.[Page Title] LIKE 'home%' OR parameter.[Page Title] LIKE '%home' ...



Can be used to inverse the proceeding operator:

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE NOT parameter.[Page Title] LIKE '%home%' ...

> (greater than)


Greater than (must be used on numeric values):

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE data.wt.cart_total > 100 ...

< (less than)


Less than (must be used on numeric values):

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE data.wt.cart_total < 100 ...

>= (greater than or equal to)


Greater than or equal to (must be used on numeric values):

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE data.wt.cart_total >= 100 ...

<= (less than or equal to)


Less than or equal to (must be used on numeric values):

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE data.wt.cart_total <= 100 ...



Used to determine if something exists:

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE Exists(parameter.[Page Title]) ...




Select the parameter value for the most recent event within a session (may or may not be populated depending on the event):

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE Last(parameter.[Page Title]) = 'home' ...



Select the last known value for the parameter within a session:

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE Latest(parameter.[Page Title]) = 'home' ...



Select the parameter value for the first recent event within a session (may or may not be populated depending on the event):

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE First(parameter.[Page Title]) = 'home' ...



Select the first known value for the parameter within a session:

Sample IQL Query

... WHERE Earliest(parameter.[Page Title]) = 'home' ...



Allows you to specify an entire session (and select events from within the session):

Sample IQL Query using WHERE

... WHERE session(parameter.[Transaction Event] = 'p' ) ...

First Sample Explained

Specifies the condition that at least one of the events within the session saw a parameter.[Transaction Event] of p (that is, a purchase event).

Tip: This is the equivalent of the legacy Streams syntax of ANY(data.wt.tx_e = 'p'). See Legacy Stream Syntax (including HAVING).

Sample IQL Query using WHERE

... WHERE not session(not(parameter.[Transaction Event] != 'p')) ...

Second Sample Explained

Specifies the condition that none of the events within the session saw a parameter.[Transaction Event] of p (that is, the visitor did not complete a purchase event).

Tip: This is the equivalent of the legacy Streams syntax of ALL(data.wt.tx_e != 'p'). See Legacy Stream Syntax (including HAVING).

Sample IQL Query using SELECT

... SELECT session(parameter.[Page Title] LIKE '%cart%') ) ...

Third Sample Output

["My Cart","View Cart"]

Third Sample Explained

Returns all values which contain cart for parameter.[Page Title] within a session in chronological order of when they were seen.



Allows you to further refine selections:

Sample IQL Query

... SELECT Last(parameter.[Product SKU]) FILTER( WHERE parameter.[Page URL] = '' ) ...

Sample Output


Sample Explained

The above example selects the last seen value of Product SKU but only when the Product SKU was seen at in the same event where the Page URL equals ''.



Allows you to convert your selection to a string and concatenate them with your own delimiter using the syntax tostring(PARAMETER,DELIMITER):

Sample IQL Query

... SELECT tostring(session(parameter.[Page Title]),',') ...

Sample Output


Sample Explained

The above example selects all the values of parameter.[Page Title] seen during a session and concatenates them with a ,.

Tip: This is the equivalent of the legacy Streams syntax of CONCAT(data.wt.ti,','). See Legacy Stream Syntax (including HAVING).



Filters selection to a unique list:

Sample IQL Query

... SELECT distinct(session(parameter.[Page Title])) ...

Sample Output

["Homepage","Product Page"]

Sample Explained

The above example selects all the unique values of parameter.[Page URL] seen during a session and concatenates them with a ,.

Tip: This is the equivalent of the legacy Streams syntax of CONCAT_DISTINCT(data.wt.ti.
You can also choose convert this to a string a specify your own delimiter by using the following syntax: tostring(distinct(session(data.wt.ti)),';').
See Legacy Stream Syntax (including HAVING).

Other Syntax and Concepts


You may wish to use Aliases to expose your selected parameters as more usable names in your Actions Mappings. For example, the following query would allow you to select myproductsku as the parameter name:

Sample Developer Mode SELECT

SELECT behavior.[View product].[Product SKU] AS 'myproductsku', behavior.[View product].[Content Group]

Referring to Parameters and Behaviors Attributes

Tip: See Sessions for example of how selection parameters can be affected by sessions.

You can refer to behaviors and parameters in IQL using the following syntax:

Referring to Raw Parameters

You can refer to the raw incoming parameter (for example, wt.ti - Page Title) as data.wt.ti in IQL:

Sample IQL

ON TRIGGER (NOT behavior.[Close session]) SELECT data.wt.ti WHERE Exists(data.wt.ti)

Referring to Named Parameters

You can refer to a parameter available in the Actions user interface (either default parameters or user-added parameters) as see parameter.[PARAMETER NAME]:

Referring to raw parameters

Sample IQL

ON TRIGGER (NOT behavior.[Close session]) SELECT parameter.[Page Title] WHERE Exists(parameter.[Page Title])

Referring to Behaviors Parameters

You can refer to attributes stored within a behavior as see behavior.[BEHAVIOR NAME].[ATTRIBUTE]:

Referring to Behavioral Attributes

Sample IQL

ON TRIGGER ( NOT behavior.[Close session] AND behavior.[Add product to cart] ) SELECT behavior.[Add product to cart].[Product SKU] WHERE behavior.[Add product to cart]


Behavioral data is session-based by default within Actions. Therefore, when writing queries it is important to understand that actions evaluate incoming events which are tied together in the form of a session. This is typically handled by using the behavior.[Close session] behavior within your ON TRIGGER() clause. For example:

Example Query using the Session Behavior - Open Session

Sample IQL

ON TRIGGER ( NOT behavior.[Close session] AND behavior.[Add product to cart] ) SELECT behavior.[Add product to cart].[Product SKU] Latest(parameter.[Page Title]) WHERE behavior.[Add product to cart]

The above query will:

  • Trigger:

    • as a user adds an item to their cart session

    • AND the session is not closed (this means the action will trigger immediately).

  • Select:

    • All SKUs added to the user's cart during the session (including the current one).

    • The latest Page Title seen by the user (without the latest function, you would only see a value for Page Title if it were present in the same event as the add to cart event)

Working with Closed Sessions

If you wish to trigger actions when the user's session has closed (for example, if you want to ensure a user did not purchased something during a session) then you can use the standard behavior.[Close session] syntax as follows:

Example Query using the Session Behavior - Closed Session

Sample IQL

ON TRIGGER ( behavior.[Close session] AND behavior.[Add product to cart] AND NOT behavior.[Purchase product] ) SELECT behavior.[Add product to cart].[Product SKU] Latest(parameter.[Page Title])

The above query will:

  • Trigger when:

    • the session closes

    • AND they add product to their cart

    • AND they have not purchased a product during their session.

  • Select:

    • All SKUs added to the user's cart during the session (including the current one).

    • The latest Page Title seen by the user (without the latest function, you would typically not see the page title you expect - see Session Close Event)

Session Close Event

When a session closes (typically defined as 30 minutes after the last event was received from an active user), a new event is fired which contains session.closed=true which triggers behavior.[Close session]. This event will re-fire the same parameters seen in the last event during the session. For example:

Last Event during Session

Parameter Value Notes
session.closed false This denotes that the session has not closed
data.wt.ti Sharp Santoku Knife This is the Page Title parameter
data.wt.page_type Product Page -
...other parameters... ... This not an exhaustive list of parameters available within the event

Session Close Event

Parameter Value Notes
session.closed true This denotes that the session has closed
data.wt.ti Sharp Santoku Knife This is the Page Title parameter
data.wt.page_type Product Page -
...other parameters... ... This not an exhaustive list of parameters available within the event

This means that if you refer to parameters directly (for example, parameter.[Page Title]) without a selector like latest() or first() (for example, latest(parameter.[Page Title])) then you will refer to the parameter available within the event which triggered the action.


The following example demonstrates how the the selections will be processed when an action is triggered on a session close event:

Example Query

Sample IQL

ON TRIGGER ( behavior.[Close session] AND behavior.[Add product to cart] AND NOT behavior.[Purchase product] ) SELECT behavior.[Add product to cart].[Product SKU] parameter.[Page Title] AS 'Current Page Title', Latest(parameter.[Page Title]) AS 'Latest Page Title'

The above query will:

  • Trigger when:

    • the session closes

    • AND the user has added an item to their cart within the session

    • AND has not purchased a product within the session.

  • Select:

    • The Product SKUs of all of the items added to the user's cart

    • The Page Title available in the session close event (selected as 'Current Page Title')

    • The latest Page Title available in the session close event (selected as 'Latest Page Title')

The following events demonstrate what the above query would return in an example session:

Event 1 - Homepage Visit

Parameter Value Notes
session.closed "false" This denotes that the session has not closed
data.wt.ti "Homepage" This is the Page Title parameter
...other parameters... ... This not an exhaustive list of parameters available within the event

Event 2 - Product Page Visit

Parameter Value Notes
session.closed false This denotes that the session has not closed
data.wt.ti Sharp Santoku Knife This is the Page Title parameter
data.wt.page_type Product Page -
...other parameters... ... This not an exhaustive list of parameters available within the event

Event 3 - Add to Cart (last event during session)

Parameter Value Notes
session.closed false This denotes that the session has not closed
data.wt.tx_e a Transaction Event - this denotes that a product has been added to the cart
data.wt.pn_sku SKU-SH324 This is the Product SKU of the added product
...other parameters... ... This not an exhaustive list of parameters available within the event

Event 4- Session Close Event

Parameter Value Notes
session.closed true This denotes that the session has closed
data.wt.tx_e a Transaction Event - this denotes that a product has been added to the cart
data.wt.pn_sku SKU-SH324 This is the Product SKU of the added product
...other parameters... ... This not an exhaustive list of parameters available within the event

Note: The final session close event triggers 30 minutes after event 3 - the last event during the session.

Action Selections

When the action triggers, the following data will be selected:

Selection Value Notes
behavior.[Add product to cart].[Product SKU] ["SKU-SH324"] Only one item has been added to the cart so a single item is listed
parameter.[Page Title] AS 'Current Page Title' - This is blank (as it was not present in the final event within the session close event)
Latest(parameter.[Page Title]) AS 'Latest Page Title' Sharp Santoku Knife The latest seen value of Page Title

The above selection illustrates that Current Page Title has not value because the Page Title (data.wt.ti) was not present in the final event of the session (and therefore it was unavailable when the action ran - within the session close event). Also, the Latest Page Title returns Sharp Santoku Knife as the latest() ensures that only the last seen value is returned.

Frequently Asked Questions

Legacy Stream Syntax (including HAVING)

Some of the syntax previously available in the legacy Streams syntax is now unavailable and unnecessary due to the simplicity and power of using IQL for queries. For example, HAVING is no longer necessary as the same results can be achieved using a combination of ON TRIGGER(), WHERE and SELECT clauses. However, here are some useful IQL equivalents to legacy Streams syntax:


Returns true if any event within the session meets your criteria:

What? Syntax Example
Legacy Streams Syntax ANY(ARG) ANY(data.wt.tx_e='p')
IQL Syntax session(ARG) session(data.wt.tx_e='p')


Returns true if all event within the session meets your criteria:

What? Syntax Example
Legacy Streams Syntax ALL(ARG) ALL(data.wt.tx_e!='p')
IQL Syntax not session(not((ARG)) not session(not((data.wt.tx_e!='p'))


Returns all values for a given selection parameter (in chronological order) with your chosen delimiter:

What? Syntax Example
Legacy Streams Syntax CONCAT(ARG,"DELIMITER") CONCAT(data.wt.tx_e,";")
IQL Syntax tostring(ARG,"DELIMITER") tostring(session(data.wt.tx_e),";")


Returns all unique values for a given selection parameter with your chosen delimiter:

What? Syntax Example
Legacy Streams Syntax CONCAT_DISTINCT(ARG,"DELIMITER") CONCAT_DISTINCT(data.wt.tx_e,";")
IQL Syntax tostring(distinct(ARG),"DELIMITER") tostring(distinct(session(data.wt.tx_e)),';')

Learn more

Using Developer Mode

Developer Mode - Example Queries