Common Tracking Examples


This section contains the common tracking examples (for example, View Product) to help you understand how to implement tracking and what parameters should be declared.

In this section

  • Commerce : Commerce-related common tracking examples for Oracle Infinity.
  • Session : Session-related common tracking examples for Oracle Infinity.
  • User-Identifiers : User identifiers for Oracle Infinity.

All Common Tracking Examples

Please see below for a list of all common tracking examples:

See User-Identifiers for guidance on declaring user-level identifiers (for example, customer IDs or SHA-256 hashed email addresses)
Parameter Example Category Description
View Product Commerce View product
View Category Commerce View category
Add Product to Cart Commerce Add product to cart
Remove Product from Cart Commerce Remove product from cart
View Shopping Cart Items Commerce View shopping cart items
Checkout Commerce Upon load of checkout page
Purchase Product Commerce Complete a purchase
View Order Status Commerce Check the status of an order
Add Product to Wishlist Commerce Add a product to a customer’s wishlist
Add Product to Favorites Commerce Add a product to a customer’s favorites list
Rate Product Commerce Rate a product
Compare Product Commerce Compare product(s)
Sign In Session Upon successful log in for a customer
Sign Out Session Upon log out for a customer

Learn more

Full Parameter Reference - View the full list of default Oracle Infinity parameter.

Oracle CX Tag - Implementation - Learn how to create tracking calls using the Oracle CX Tag.

Data Collection API - Learn how to send data into Oracle Infinity by API.

Oracle CX Mobile SDK - Behavior Tracking (Android) - Learn how to send data to Oracle Infinity using the Oracle CX Mobile SDK Infinity Module for Android.

Oracle CX Mobile SDK - Behavior Tracking (iOS) - Learn how to send data to Oracle Infinity using the Oracle CX Mobile SDK Infinity Module for iOS.