Oracle Infinity Analytics Glossary


ClosedAbandonment rate

The abandonment rate is the percentage of initiated scenarios that were not completed during the visit.


All data collected within your Oracle Infinity account flows into a unified data lake, which simplifies cross-domain and cross-channel analysis. Sub-accounts are treated as independent accounts for the purposes of data flow within Infinity.

ClosedAccount GUID

An account GUID identifies your account. All your tags will use the same account GUID so that all data collected for your account is stored together.

ClosedAcknowledgment Page

An acknowledgment page is typically displayed after a visitor completes an action, such as a thank-you or receipt page displayed after a visitor completes a purchase. Acknowledgment pages can be useful for funnel analysis, where it is an indicator of a completed scenario.


Acquisition is the process of attracting a visitor to your site.


An action associates a web data source with a system. For example, an action can configure a streams connection to an email partner system, identifying prospects for email remarketing or cross-selling. Actions are stored, so they can be activated and run at a specified time.


Activity is a general term referring to nearly any site measure, such as visits, hits, and viewing time.

ClosedAd Click

Ad click refers to a visitor's click on an advertisement that results in a jump to the site being advertised.

ClosedAd hoc analysis

Ad hoc analysis is the process of formulating a specific business question and then creating a customized view into the data that helps answer that question.

ClosedAd View

Ad view refers to the display of an advertisement on a page that is viewed during a visit. There may be more than one ad view on a page.

ClosedAuthenticated User

An authenticated user is a visitor who entered a user name and password to gain access to all or part of a web site. The username (but not the password) is captured in a specific field in web site log files or through client-side data collection tags. An authenticated username is one of the most accurate ways to count unique visitors, but the cookie method is typically preferred.

ClosedAverage Frequency

Average frequency refers to the average of the frequencies of all the visitors during the reporting period, where each visitor's frequency is the number of times they have visited the site since Oracle Infinity Analytics visitor tracking began.

ClosedAverage Latency

Average latency refers to the average of the latencies of all the visitors during the reporting period, where each visitor's latency is the average elapsed time, in days, between all their visits since Oracle Infinity visitor tracking began.

ClosedAverage Lifetime Value

Average lifetime value refers to the average of the lifetime values of all the visitors during the reporting period, where each visitor's lifetime value is the total monetary value of a visitor's past orders since Oracle Infinity visitor tracking began.



A campaign is a specific advertising effort to attract visitors to your site. A campaign may consist of one individual ad or a coordinated set of ads, marketing email, and graphics treated as one entity for reporting purposes. In Oracle Infinity, you can use query parameters to track campaigns and set up reports with a unique URL for a landing page, a starting date, an ending date, and a cost.


A collection is a set of reports that share a common segment or set of segments to provide a view into your data. Each collection has a name, a set of segments, a set of reports, and permissions. Access to collection can be made available to all users or restricted to a specific group of users.

ClosedContent group

A content group is a group of one or more web pages that are treated as one entity.


Context refers to a unique Oracle Infinity Tag configuration that is selectable according to query parameter. You can configure multiple contexts, but the Oracle Infinity Tag supports only one active context at a time.


Conversion refers to an action taken by a visitor that is key to measuring web site performance or visitor goals.

ClosedConversion rate

The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors that took a specific action of interest. Conversion can encompass all visitors or refer to a very small and precise action.


Cookie typically refers to a text string stored onto the client browser by the server during an HTTP request. Cookies enable an application web server to retrieve information about a client, such as the domain, path, and other session variables. When a web browser is requested to send cookie information to the server, individual web site users can be recognized again by the unique cookie that was originally assigned to them.


The click-through rate (CTR) is a metric used to determine the success of an online advertising campaign. CTR = clicks / views during the reporting period.


ClosedData Connector

Oracle Infinity Data Connector securely transmits online behavioral data to your customer data warehouse or big data initiative.


A DCSID is a unique identifier associated to the set data collected from a website or app. You use it with the WT.dcs_id parameter, which is useful when tracking multiple DCSIDs in SmartSource files from multiple sites. For example, you can use the wt.dcs_id=DCSID to segment your report data, such as activity for each site.


A dimension is an attribute of your data being analyzed with the help of measures and segments, such as a campaign, a page, content group, device, location, and so on.


Do not track (DNT) refers to a privacy framework of guidelines, browser settings, and an HTTP header field for providing consumers with notice and choice about data collection.


ClosedEntry page

An entry page is the first page requested and shown in a visit. A visit has only one entry page.


An event refers to the collection of one or more key value pairs that define a specific state or action within the tagged web page or mobile app that is sent to Oracle Infinity.

ClosedExit page

An exit page is the last page viewed in a visit. A visit has only one exit page.



Funnel refers to visitors stepping through a scenario on a site or other digital property leading to conversion. The number of people participating in each step is usually smaller than the step before, so a graph of participation resembles a funnel.



A hit refers to a request for a file by a browser. A single web site page view can involve dozens of requests for images, styles, and other elements, so the number of hits is a less-helpful measure of site traffic than visits or visitors.


ClosedInfinity Analytics

Oracle Infinity is a digital analytics platform for tracking, measuring, and optimizing the performance and visitor behavior of enterprise websites and mobile apps. The Analytics application in Oracle Infinity provides a set of report collections for exploring and managing your data.



The Oracle Infinity Analytics Library is an enterprise governance tool where you can see how objects are used, when they were edited, and by whom.

ClosedLink Tracking

The advanced link tracking plugin provides a variety of options to configure what clicks should be tracked.



A measure is a value applied to dimensions, such as a count of users, time on page, and bounce rate. Measures are often referred to as the key performance indicators (KPIs) of a business.

ClosedMeta Tag

A <meta> tag provides metadata about a web page that is expressed as a key value pair that can be parsed by the Oracle Infinity Tag. For example: <meta name="parameter_key" content="parameter_value">


Mutations are simple functions that provide a way to dynamically modify the existing event data sent to collection. They provide access to the entire message, can alter the data payload as it passes through the event tracking pipeline, and can specify different communication protocols and destinations.



In Oracle Infinity Analytics, an object typically refers to access rights for measures, dimensions, segments, reports, and collections.



A parameter is a key in a key value pair used to collect, query, and display corresponding data. By default, standard parameters are included in Oracle Infinity Analytics for use in dimensions, measures, and segments.


A payload contains parameters that are about to be sent. Mutations can redefine the values in the payload before the data is collected.


Permissions refer to what objects a user's rights apply to, such as specific data the user has access to. For example, you can assign data permissions to a group that restricts access to a specific domain.


Plugins are modules that can be used to customize the behavior of the Oracle Infinity Tag.



Recency refers to the number of days that has elapsed since a user tracked with persistent cookies most recently visited a site. Zero recency refers to a visit in the preceding 24 hours. Average recency is the average of the recency of all visitors during the reporting period. If visitors did not visit the site during the report time period, their recency is not included.


A referrer is a web domain, site, or page that contains a link to one of your site pages that was used by a visitor to get to your site. For details, see HTTP referer field.


A report is a definition or expression for how you want to query your data. At least one dimension and one measure are required to build a report and segments are optional. Reports are assigned to a single category and can be assigned to multiple report collections. Oracle Infinity Analytics includes some standard reports, which provide you with a starting point for further ad hoc data exploration. You can also create your own reports.


Rights refer to what you can perform in Oracle Infinity and are typically assigned to a role that is then assigned to a group. Each feature set has a different set of available rights.


A role is a set of predefined rights that you can assign to a group. Each feature set has a different set of available rights.



A scenario is a multi-step process, such as a typical visitor path on your website used to measure conversion or abandonment. Scenarios can be defined many ways, such as the entire shopping process, a finite checkout process at an ecommerce site, a registration process at a lead generation site, or a search process at an information site.


The streaming collection server (SCS) has an advanced processing engine that analyzes and enriches your event data and makes it available to an API in JSON format, which can be consumed by an application via a WebSockets connection and the streams API.


A segment is a subset of your data based on rules that define a meaningful grouping, such as by region, device, returning customer, and so on.


A session is a unique visit during which an individual visits one or more web pages on your site or mobile app over a specific interval. You can view session streams to learn more about the visitor based on events during the current session.


A sparkline is a trend line graph without axes that is designed to give a quick representation of numerical or statistical information within a piece of text.


ClosedTag ID

A tag ID allows you to assign access rights to your Oracle Infinity Tags and put them into a hierarchical format.

ClosedTarget page

A target page is the page to which the visitor is sent by a redirect page.

ClosedTracking Pipeline

Tracking Pipeline refers to a message bus used by the Oracle Infinity Tag to pass collected events to Oracle Infinity. Tag plugins can inject new event messages into the event tracking pipeline or modify existing messages as they pass through.



The Infinity user interface (UI) provides a list of icons on the left-hand side of the home page and subsequent screens. This navigation bar is always present and the blue bar near the top of the screen indicates your current location. At the bottom left of the screen is the Account menu from which you can sign out, change your profile, or switch to other accounts you can access.

ClosedUnique visitors

Unique visitors refers to the number of unique individuals identified by a persistent cookie who visited your site during a specified interval. If someone visits more than once during the interval, they are counted as one unique visitor. Unique visitors may not perfectly match the number of unique individuals visiting the site, because someone may visit a site from more than one computer and multiple people may share the one computer to access a site.

ClosedURI Stem

URI stem refers to the portion of a URL that appears after the host and port, but precedes the query string. It is typically a directory that is accessed, relative to the web server's root directory. For example, in the URL the URI stem is /test.jsp.



A visitor is a person using a device and a browser or an app to visit a digital property during a specified interval. A person may use different devices, browsers, or apps so it is possible for them to appear as more than one visitor. Multiple people can appear as one visitor if they share the same device.



WT is a parameter prefix that stands for web tracking.