Standard reports

Oracle Infinity Analytics provides a set of standard reports to help you begin exploring your data. You cannot edit or delete standard reports, but you can modify their values in the current session and you can click Save As to create a copy of a standard report.

Oracle Infinity Analytics has the following categories of standard reports:

Report Description
Campaign Performance Measure campaign success by looking at individual campaigns.
Content Groups Track the effectiveness of your online content.
Devices Discover the most and least popular devices for unique users to your properties to inform design.
Devices > Browsers Optimize experiences with information about most popular devices and browsers used on your sites.
Entry Pages Find out where your users start their onsite journeys and if they are the pages you would expect.
Exit Pages Discover where people end their sessions.
Geography View the geographic distribution of visitors.
Languages Learn the language preferences of the people coming to your website so you can tailor content to their needs.
Mobile App Evaluate the performance of your mobile applications.
Networks Learn about the type of network used based on the IP connection.
New-Returning Users Evaluate the loyalty of repeat users and measure new customer acquisition.
Next Pages Discover where visitors click next during their session.
Onsite Search Understand the effectiveness of onsite search and how it enables your customers to find what they are looking for.
OS > Browsers Identify the most popular operating systems and browsers used by people coming to your site so you can best configure your website experience.
Page Activity Learn new insights about the performance of pages such as which pages have the highest bounce rate and discover which pages are viewed longer and are stickier than others.
Previous Pages Discover which pages people come from.
Search Engines Learn which search engines send you the most traffic and the quality of that traffic.
Time Based Trends Learn the months, days, or hours when users are most or least engaged.
Traffic Sources Discover where people are coming from and which pages they start on, as well as whether they come from paid or organic search, non-search campaigns, other referrers, or direct traffic.

Campaign Performance report

You can measure campaign success by looking at individual campaigns and find out which marketing partners or referrers are driving people to your sites.

Dimension Description
Campaign ID data.wt.mc_id associates pages with a specific campaign.
Referring Domain data.referrer-domain indicates the referring domain.

The Campaign Performance report offers the following measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Content Groups report

Use the Content Groups report to track the effectiveness of your online content. For example, find out how many users read abstracts of site content or case studies.

Dimension Description
Content Group data.wt.cg_n identifies one or more semicolon-delimited content group names.
Sub Content Group data.wt.cg_s identifies one or more semicolon-delimited subcontent group names

The Content Groups report offers the following measures:

  • Avg View Time (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Devices report

Discover the most and least popular devices for unique users to your properties to inform design.

Dimension Description
Device Name ext.device.mktn indicates the marketing name for a device.
Device Type ext.device.type indicates the type of device.
Operating System Name indicates the name of the operating system.

The Devices report offers the following measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Devices > Browsers report

Optimize experiences with information about most popular devices and browsers used on your sites.

Dimension Description
Browser Name indicates the name of the browser or browser group.
Browser Version ext.browser.version indicates the browser version.
Device Type ext.device.type indicates the type of device.

The Devices > Browsers report offers the following measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Entry Pages report

Find out where your users start their onsite journeys and if they are the pages you would expect.

Dimension Description
Entry Page (entry) data.wt.ti + (entry) indicates the entry page title and URI.

The Entry Pages report offers the following measures:

  • Avg View Time (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Exit Pages report

Discover where people end their sessions.

Dimension Description
Exit Page (exit) data.wt.ti + (exit) indicates the exit page title and URI.

The Exit Pages report offers the following measures:

  • Avg View Time (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Geography report

Provides a view of the geographic distribution of users.

Dimension Description
City indicates the name of the user's city.
Country indicates the name of the user's country.
Region ext.geo.region indicates the name of the user's region.

The Geography report offers the following measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Languages report

Learn the language preferences of the people coming to your website so you can tailor content to their needs.

Dimension Description
Country indicates the name of the user's country.
Language data.wt.ul indicates the web client's user language.

The Languages report offers the following measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Networks report

Learn about the type of network used based on the IP connection.

Dimension Description
Network Type indicates the type of network connection.
Organization indicates the name of the network's organization.

The Networks report offers the following measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

New-Returning Users report

Evaluate the loyalty of repeat users and measure new customer acquisition.

Dimension Description
New-Returning User user_type indicates a new or returning visitor.

The New-Returning Users report offers the following measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Next Pages report

Review which pages users are clicking next so that you can better understand user navigation through your site and determine where you need to optimize.

Dimension Description
Page data.wt.ti + indicates the page visited immediately before the page indicated by the Next Page dimension.
Next Page data.wt.ti + indicates the page visited immediately after the page indicated by the Page dimension.

The Next Pages report offers the following measures:

  • Avg View Time (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Onsite Search report

Understand the effectiveness of onsite search and how it enables your customers to find what they are looking for. This report supports additional measures.

Dimension Description
Onsite Search Phrases data.wt.oss identifies a word or a phrase that visitors submit for an on-site search.

The Onsite Search report offers the following search-related measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Search results: sum data.wt.oss_r
  • Sessions
  • Successful Searches: count data.wt.oss_r != 0
  • Unsuccessful Searches: count data.wt.oss_r = 0
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

OS > Browsers report

Identify the most popular operating systems and browsers used by people coming to your site so you can best configure your website experience.

Dimension Description
Browser Name indicates the name of the browser or browser group.
Operating System Name indicates the name of the operating system.

The OS > Browsers report offers the following measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Page Activity report

Learn new insights about the performance of pages such as which pages have the highest bounce rate and discover which pages are viewed longer and are stickier than others.

Dimension Description
Page data.wt.ti + provides information about the page a user was on when certain events occurred.

The Page Activity report offers the following measures:

  • Avg View Time (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Previous Pages report

Review which pages users are coming from so that you can better understand user navigation through your site and determine where you need to optimize.

Dimension Description
Page data.wt.ti + indicates the page visited immediately after the page indicated by the Previous Page dimension.
Previous Page data.wt.ti + indicates the page visited immediately before the page indicated by the Page dimension.

The Previous Pages report offers the following measures:

  • Avg View Time (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Search Engines report

Learn which search engines send you the most traffic and the quality of that traffic.

This report includes a segment of data where the traffic source types contains search.

Dimension Description
Search Engine indicates the search engine used.
Traffic Source Type ext.source.type indicates the type of traffic source.

The Search Engines report offers the following measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Time Based Trends report

Learn the months, days, or hours when users are most or least engaged.

Dimension Description
Month data_month indicates the month.
Day of Month date('%d'): Indicates the day of the month.
Hour of Day date('%H'): Indicates the hour of the day.

The Time-Based Trends report offers the following measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Traffic Sources report

Discover where people are coming from and which pages they start on, as well as whether they come from paid or organic search, non-search campaigns, other referrers, or direct traffic.

Dimension Description
Entry page (entry) data.wt.ti + (entry) data.wt.ti + indicates the entry page title and URI.
Referring domain data.referrer-domain indicates the referring domain.
Traffic Source Type ext.source.type indicates the type of traffic source.

The Traffic Sources report offers the following measures:

  • Avg Session Duration (Sec)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Views
  • Views per Session

Learn more

Standard dimensions

Standard measures

Standard parameters

Mobile App reports

Overview of Analytics Reports

standard website reports, default, single-level reports