Mobile App reports

Oracle Infinity Analytics provides the following set of standard Mobile App reports to help you begin exploring your mobile data:

Report Description
Country > Mobile App View how your mobile apps and versions are used across geographical regions and by which languages.
Country > Mobile Carrier View the most and least used mobile carriers across different geographical regions.
Mobile App Installs Learn which versions of your app are being installed and on which operating systems.
Mobile Carrier > Mobile App View the versions of your apps that are available and accessible per mobile carrier.
Mobile Events View details about the types of actions a user performs inside the mobile app.
Mobile Screens Determine what screens users viewed inside the app and what events were generated on those screens.

If you are collecting data for your mobile apps, these reports are a great way to begin exploring how users are engaging your apps. You can add these mobile app reports to any new or existing collection.

Country > Mobile App report

The Country > Mobile App report shows app name and version distribution across country and device languages. This can be useful to see if the appropriately localized apps are being used or if new localization is required. It can also show adoption rates by country.

Dimension Description
Country associates your mobile apps with a specific country.
Language data.wt.ul indicates the app's user language.
Mobile App Name data.wt.a_nm specifies the name of the mobile app.
Mobile App Version data.wt.av specifies the version of the mobile app.

The Mobile App Event Type Exists segment is applied to this report (data.wt.sys exists).

This report includes the following measures:

  • Mobile App Installs
  • Screen Views
  • Screen Views per Session
  • Sessions
  • Users

Country > Mobile Carrier report

The Country > Mobile Carrier report shows the most popular carriers used according to country and device language. This can be useful in situations such as the following:

  • Planning marketing activity with carrier partners
  • Planning new app features, because some carriers use custom versions of mobile OS versions
  • Determining whether localized language versions of the apps may be required
Dimension Description
Country associates your mobile apps with a specific country.
Language data.wt.ul indicates the app's user language.
Mobile Carrier data.wt.a_dc indicates the mobile carrier.

The Mobile App Event Type Exists segment is applied to this report (data.wt.sys exists).

This report includes the following measures:

  • Mobile App Installs
  • Screen Views
  • Screen Views per Session
  • Sessions
  • Users

Mobile App Installs report

The Mobile App Installs report shows a breakdown of Oracle Infinity SDK version distribution across app and OS versions. This can help you determine what versions of the SDK are deployed and reporting back for your apps. It can also help show adoption rates for your app versions.

Dimension Description
Mobile App Name data.wt.a_nm indicates the name of the mobile app.
Mobile App Version data.wt.av indicates the version of the mobile app.
Operating System Name indicates the name of the operating system.
Mobile SDK Build data.wt.sdk_v indicates the build of the Oracle Infinity SDK.

The Mobile App Event Type Exists segment is applied to this report (data.wt.sys exists).

This report includes the following measures:

  • Mobile App Installs
  • Screen Views
  • Screen Views per Session
  • Sessions
  • Users

Mobile Carrier > Mobile App report

The Mobile Carrier > Mobile App report shows the versions of your apps that are available and accessible per mobile carrier.

Dimension Description
Mobile Carrier data.wt.a_dc indicates the mobile carrier.
Device Name ext.device.mktn indicates the marketing name for a device.
Mobile App Name data.wt.a_nm indicates the name of the mobile app.
Mobile App Version data.wt.av indicates the version of the mobile app.

The Mobile App Event Type Exists segment is applied to this report (data.wt.sys exists).

This report includes the following measures:

  • Screen Views
  • Screen Views per Session
  • Sessions
  • Users

Mobile Events report

View details about the types of actions a user performs inside the mobile app.

Dimension Description
Device Name ext.device.mktn indicates the marketing name for a device.
Mobile App Name data.wt.a_nm indicates the name of the mobile app.
Mobile Event Type data.wt.sys indicates the mobile event type, such as app start, app terminate, app background, app foreground, and app notifications.

The Mobile App Event Type Exists segment is applied to this report (data.wt.sys exists).

This report includes the following measures:

  • Screen Views
  • Screen Views per Session
  • Sessions
  • Users

Mobile Screens report

The Mobile Screens report shows the most popular screens used in deployed apps and provides counts of some life cycle events associated with those screens. This can show which screens trigger actions such as app backgrounding, or on which screens users terminate apps. Depending on desired app usage patterns, this could validate design choices or point out areas for new ones.

Dimension Description
Mobile App Name data.wt.a_nm indicates the name of the mobile app.
Mobile Screen identifies the screen in the mobile app.

The Mobile App Event Type Exists segment is applied to this report (data.wt.sys exists).

This report includes the following measures:

  • Mobile App Backgrounds
  • Mobile App Foregrounds
  • Mobile App Notifications
  • Mobile App Starts
  • Mobile App Stops
  • Screen Views
  • Screen Views per Session
  • Sessions
  • Users

Learn more

Standard Mobile App parameters

Standard reports

Standard dimensions

Standard measures

standard mobile app reports, default, country, carrier, app installs, mobile events, mobile screens