Session stream

The session stream shows your visitor events in a session. A session is the time an individual spends on your site.

You can filter the visitor stream with where statements and select an individual visitor to view real-time events on your site.

To view the session stream:

  1. In Oracle Infinity, click the streams iconImage of the Streams application icon. The streams lab page is displayed.
  2. Click Explore sessions to open the session stream.
    Image of the streams home page with the Explore sessions button highlighted
  3. Filter the session stream using a where statement. A grayed out or opaque session indicates that the visitor is no longer in an active session.

Session stream controls

You can use elements in the action bar to control and monitor visitor events.

Image of the session streams controls UI

UI element Description
Image of the home button Return to the streams lab page.
Image of the start button Explore sessions
Image of the start button Start viewing the incoming visitor session stream.
Image of the stop button Stop viewing the incoming visitor session stream.
Image of the refresh button Refresh the incoming visitor session stream. The incoming visitors list refreshes when a new stream stops or starts.
Image of the stopwatch After you start a stream, the stopwatch displays the:
  • Number of visitors (sessions) currently on your site
  • Amount of time the current stream connection has been open

Note: The maximum session interval is two hours or 5000 events. After 30 minutes of inactivity, a visitor's session is timed out and the visitor will drop from the stream. If the visitor leaves the site, the visitor session appears grayed out or opaque.

Image of the where statement box in the streams window Use the where filter to add parameters and filter the live view of streaming visitor sessions. After you create or edit a where clause, click refresh to update the view of the visitor session stream filtered to your specifications.
Image of flag icons indicating countries Flags indicate the visitor's country. In this example, current visitors are from the United States, Brazil, and Canada. Use to limit the stream to users from a certain country.
Image of a visitor's unique ID Visitors each have a unique ID to identify them. The visitor's unique identifier displays along with the device type and browser used to access your site. Use and ext.device.type to limit the stream to visitors who are using a certain browser and a certain device.
Image showing how to sort by visitor event counts You can sort the visitors list by event count, time on site, page views, or product views. Within any of these views, you can order from lowest-to-highest or highest-to-lowest count or time.

Viewing visitor session streams

When you view an individual viewer session, the session stream reveals information about the viewer and the events during the current session.

Filtering visitor sessions

Use parameters in a where statement to show specific events. For example, add the where clause data.wt.tx_e=a to show only visitors who have added an item to their shopping carts. You might also want to filter by region, such'austin' to see only visitors accessing your site from Austin. You can also combine parameters to further customize your view, such as data.wt.tx_e=a AND to show visitors from Austin Texas who have added items to their cart.

Monitoring a visitor session

At the top of a visitor session, you can see the visitor's ID number, location, number of pages viewed, browser name and device type, and the time spent on your site. The count of page views and the amount of time on site continue to advance during the session.

Visitor session information

Image of a visitor session showing the visitor's ID number, location, number of pages viewed, browser name and device type, and the time spent on your site

An individual visitor session shows you events using a basic shape for page events and non-page events.

Circular shapes indicate the amount of time the visitor spent on a thumbnail or other non-page event arrived at from a link on the previous page. These can show you the effectiveness of an ad campaign on your site. The following example shows the visitor spent five seconds here.

Image of a visitor session showing the visitor's ID number, location, number of pages viewed, browser name and device type, and the time spent on your site

Rectangular shapes indicate the visitor's starting page, information about particular content groups viewed during the visitor session, and the page the visitor is currently viewing. The following example shows content group information.

Image of content group information

The following example shows a visitor's activity on a site. You can see where this visitor's cart add, ad click, and order confirmation events occur. In addition, this view into a visitor session shows you exactly how much time the visitor spent on each page and non-page view.

Visitor session summary

Image of a visitor session showing the visitor's activity on a site

Learn more

Infinity Streams

Streams lab

Visitor session parameters

Standard parameters

session stream controls, monitor, sort order, country, add parameters