Viewing parameters

If you have the necessary rights, you can view information about all of the parameters collected for your account in Settings > Parameters.

In addition to standard parameters, the list of parameters is populated based on what is collected from the Oracle Infinity Tag and the Oracle Infinity SDK. Any new parameter that is collected will automatically be displayed in Settings within minutes. You can then edit it and add it to Analytics and Actions.

Various options are available for filtering, sorting, and searching the list of parameters. Once you select a parameter, you can click it to display more details and click the edit icon Image of the edit icon to edit the parameter and its advanced options.

You cannot delete parameters, but you can clear its In Use By > Analytics and Actions option so that it is not displayed in Analytics reports or Actions.

To view parameters in Settings:

  1. Click at the top of the page.

  2. Click Settings.
  3. From the side bar, click Parameters.

    Image of Account Settings > Parameters displaying the default Show value of Named

    The following columns are displayed:
    • Display Name: This is an editable name that describes the purpose of the parameter and is easier to read than name in the Parameter column. For example, City is the display name that corresponds to the parameter.
    • Parameter: This is a read only parameter key that is used in the Oracle Infinity platform. Its syntax may differ from the parameter key when it was collected from the client.
    • In Use By: Indicates whether the parameter is available for use in Oracle Infinity Analytics and Actions. If Analytics and Actions is displayed in the parameter’s In Use By column, it will be available for use in Infinity Analytics and for Infinity Actions.
    • Category: The category is used for grouping parameters in various lists in the UI.
  4. (Optional) Select one of the following views from the Show list:
    • All Parameters: Display all parameters available for your account.
    • In Analytics and Actions: Only display parameters that are currently available in Oracle Infinity Analytics and Actions.
    • Named (the default): Only display parameters that have a specified name. This value helps to reduce the display of parameters that are not commonly needed.
    • Unnamed: Only displays parameters that have not yet been given a display name.

    Image of Account Settings > Parameters displaying the default Show value of Named

  5. Click on a parameter's row to view additional details, such as its data type and advanced options.

    Image of Account Settings > Parameters displaying the details for a parameter

  6. To close the details panel, click its .

Learn more

Managing parameters

Editing parameters

Parameter advanced options


viewing query parameters, in use by, display name, human readable, human friendly, parameter name, unnamed