Parameter advanced options

If you have the necessary rights, you can edit a parameter under Settings and specify advanced options for parameters that are in use by Analytics and Actions. These options apply only to how the data is queried and do not impact how the data is stored.

Note: These settings do not apply to streams.

Image of Account Settings > Parameters displaying the default Show value of Named

Advanced option Description
Change case sensitivity Specify whether to change the parameter's values to uppercase, lower case, or title case.
Decode Specify decoding of parameter values. You can decode multiple times.
Find and replace Specify strings in parameter values that you want to replace with alternative strings. This setting supports regular expressions.
Split on character Specify the character you want to split a parameter value on, such as a semicolon. You can optionally correlate the split values to other parameters also having split values, which are available in the Correlate to list.
Trim white space Specify one of the following locations of white space that you want to remove from the selected parameter's values:
  • leading
  • trailing
  • leading and trailing

Order of operations

The order in which you add advanced options indicates the sequential order that values are processed at the time a report is run.

Image of Account Settings > Parameters displaying the default Show value of Named

Example: You specify advanced options for the data.wt.pn_sku parameter by first adding the Decode option, then Split on character, Decode again, and finally add the Change case to option. If data.wt.pn_sku has a value of Halloween%2520Candy%3BWitch%2520Costume, it is processed in the following order:
  1. Decode: data.wt.pn_sku=Halloween%20Candy;Witch%20Costume
  2. Split on semicolon: data.wt.pn_sku=Halloween%20Candy and data.wt.pn_sku=Witch%20Costume
  3. Decode: data.wt.pn_sku=Halloween Candy and data.wt.pn_sku=Witch Costume
  4. Change case to lowercase: data.wt.pn_sku=halloween candy and data.wt.pn_sku=witch costume

Change case sensitivity

You can use the Change case sensitivity option to specify whether to change the parameter's values to uppercase, lower case, or title case.

Image of Account Settings > Parameters > Advanced Options > Change case sensitivity displaying the default Show value of Named

This option does not impact case sensitivity as it applies to creating measures and creating segments and does not change how your data is stored. This option does impact aggregations of dimension values, such as New York vs. new york.


You can use the Decode option to specify whether to decode the parameter's values if they were passed to Infinity with percent-encoding so that the parameter values are displayed in reports in a readable format without encoding.

You can apply this option multiple times as shown in the following examples:

  • You can decode data.wt.ti=holiday%20sale to holiday sale.
  • You can double-decode data.wt.ti=holiday%2520sale to holiday sale.
  • You can triple-decode data.wt.ti=holiday%252520sale to holiday sale.

Find and replace

You can use the Find and replace option to search for part of a parameter's value and replace it with something else.

If you also select use regular expressions, the Find and replace option supports regular expressions in the Find and Replace with boxes as shown in the following example:

Example: If you want to find all HTML file names that include white-paper in a parameter's values and want to replace them with white-paper.html, specify /white-paper.*.html in the Find box and /white-paper.html in the Replace with box. This would find all the following instances and replace them:

Split on character

You can use the Split parameter on option to specify the character you want to split a parameter value on, such as a semicolon or other delimiter. You can optionally correlate the split values to other parameters also having split values, which are available in the Correlate to list.

The following standard parameters are split by semicolon:

Parameter name Parameter
Content Group data.wt.cg_n
Content Sub Group data.wt.cg_s
Product SKU data.wt.pn_sku
Scenario Name data.wt.si_n
Scenario Step Name data.wt.si_p
Scenario Step Number data.wt.si_x
Transaction Subtotal data.wt.tx_s
Units data.wt.tx_u

You can also set up custom parameters as split-and-correlate parameters.

Example: You edit the advanced options of the Content Group parameter, which captures multiple values that you want to split and correlate with values from the Content Sub Group parameter:

Image of Account Settings > Parameters > Advanced Options > Split on character option

Before splitting:

  • Content Group=pants;shirts;hats
  • Content Sub Group=jeans;long%20sleeves;beret

After splitting on semicolon and correlating:

  • Content Group=pants and Content Sub Group=jeans
  • Content Group=shirts and Content Sub Group=long%20sleeves
  • Content Group=hats and Content Sub Group=beret

Trim white space

You can use the Trim white space option to specify one of the following locations of white space that you want to remove from the parameter's values:

  • leading
  • trailing
  • leading and trailing

Image of Account Settings > Parameters > Advanced Options > Decode option

Important: This option can potentially impact the evaluation of measure and segment expressions.

Learn more

Managing parameters

Editing parameters

parameter advanced options, split-and-correlate, split, correlate, case sensitivity, decode, find and replace, split on character, trim white space, in use by