Deleting a behavior

Behaviors can be deleted if they are not used in any of the existing actions or scenarios.

Warning: Deleting a Behavior deletes it permanently. It cannot be recovered.


  • Before you can delete a behavior, you must be assigned a role that includes the Manage Behaviors user right.

  • You cannot delete a behavior that is used in any action or scenario.

Delete a behavior

To delete a behavior:

  1. Open the navigation menu from the upper-left corner of your Oracle Infinity screen and select the page Library: Administer behaviors and other objects for activation and personalization.
  2. An image of the navigation menu

  3. Click Behaviors.

  4. An image of the Library page

    Note: If you don't see the Behaviors tile or the Create Behavior button, make sure you have the necessary user rights by reviewing the Prerequisites for creating behaviors.

  5. Find the behavior you want to view. If needed, use the search field to search by behavior name.

    An image of the Behaviors search field

  6. Click the behavior name. The behavior name details will display.

    An image of the behavior name

  7. Review the details for the behavior.
  8. In the upper-right corner of the screen, click Delete.

    Note: If the Behavior is used in any action or scenario, the Delete will be disabled and the reason is shown when mouse hover is done on Delete.

  9. A pop-up message displays asking you to confirm that you want to delete the action.

  10. Click Delete. A message displays to confirm that the action is deleted. The Behavior is permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

Learn more

Accessing behaviors

Creating a behavior

Editing a behavior