Editing a behavior

You must have a role with the Manage Behaviors user right to edit a behavior. Learn more about roles and Infinity settings.

To edit a behavior:

  1. From the Behaviors screen, locate and click into the behavior you want to edit.

  2. To edit details, click Edit .

    The Details panel opens.

    Note: If the behavior is used in an existing action, the behavior name cannot be modified.

  3. Make required changes and click Save.

  4. To edit expression, click Edit in the right corner of the screen under the Expression section.

    The Expression panel opens.

    Note: If the behavior is used in an existing action, you will be presented with list of all the impacted actions before proceeding with any modification to the expression.

  5. Make required changes and click Save.

  6. To add or delete the attributes, scroll down to Attributes section.

  7. To add new attributes, click +.

    The Attributes panel opens.

  8. Make required changes and click Save.

  9. To delete an existing attribute, locate the attribute that you want to delete and click Delete .

    Warning: Deleting an attribute deletes it permanently from the Behavior.

    Note: If the attribute is used in an existing action, it cannot be deleted.

Learn more

Accessing behaviors

Creating a behavior

Deleting a behavior