Implement and Validate Campaign Engagement Event Tracking

In this topic:

Significance of Accurate Engagement Tracking

By tracking mobile app campaign user engagement events thoroughly and accurately for all platforms (iOS and Android), you can ensure a consistent and high-quality data set for use cases such as:

Push Campaign Engagement Events Tracking

Event Definition SDK Integration Required SDK Integration Documentation
Open User taps on the notification to land in the app Yes  
Conversion Conversion events such as in-app purchases, premium content (video views), social media (shares) events that are attributed to a push notification opened Yes iOS, Android
Click User clicks on a call-to-action within a Rich Push creative No  
Purchase In-app purchases made by the app user including revenue generated Yes iOS, Android

Implement Push Conversion and Purchase / Revenue Events Tracking

You can implement Push Conversions and Purchase / Revenue Event Tracking on both Android and iOS.

In-app Campaign Engagement Event Tracking

Event Definition SDK Integration Required SDK Integration Documentation
Open In-app message is displayed to app user No  
Click User clicks on a call-to-action within the in-app message No  

There is no SDK Integration Requirement for In-app Campaign Engagement Event Tracking.

Message Center Engagement Events Tracking

Event Definition SDK Integration Required SDK Integration Documentation
Display Message is displayed to the user in the message listing within the mobile app message center Yes iOS, Android
Open User taps on the message to be deep linked to detailed promotional content Yes iOS, Android
Click App user clicks on a call-to-action link in a rich HTML creative in the message No  

You can implement Message Center Display and Open Event Tracking on both Android and iOS.

Test Engagement Tracking

Marketers and Developers can test campaign engagement event tracking through one of the following two methods:

  • Review SDK Logs to confirm that engagement events are being raised upon user engagement.

  • Perform an End-to-end Test.

SDK Logging Support

Responsys Mobile SDK provides extensive Logging for Engagement Events that enables Developers to confirm that Events are being raised as expected.

  • Push

    SDK Logging support for Push Open, Conversion, Revenue Events is available on both Android and iOS.

  • In-App

    There is no SDK Integration required to raise In-app Open, Click Events.

  • Message Center

    SDK Logging support for Message Center Display, Open Events is available for both Android and iOS.

End-to-End Testing

Perform an end-to-end Test by:

  • launching a test campaign to a set of test devices

  • engaging with the campaign on test devices

  • confirming in Responsys Interactive Dashboard Campaign Performance Reports that the user engagement has been registered in Responsys.

For more information, refer to End-to-End Testing for Mobile App Campaign User Engagement Events .