Advanced Intelligence features

What if you could see whether you're sending the right amount of messages to your customers? Or if you could predict which new customers were likely to become your top ones? You can get access to these insights and more with the Advanced Intelligence Package for Oracle Responsys.

Features in this add-on leverage the latest data science and machine learning capabilities in Responsys. Subscribers to the Advanced Intelligence Package will be able to activate new features for this add-on as they are released in future Responsys updates.

Contact your account manager or Oracle Sales to order the Advance Intelligence Package.

Learn more about the features currently included in the Advanced Intelligence Package:

  • Predictive CLV: Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is the projection of revenue a customer will generate over his or her lifetime. The Predictive CLV feature evaluates the data signals of customers who are converting and those who have churned, helping marketers identify customers who are likely to spend more and those who have been spending but are likely to stop. The Predictive CLV dashboard enables marketers to visualize this data. This feature also includes CLV-based personas in Profile Extension Tables (PETs) and filters, which marketers can use for targeting and personalization.
  • Fatigue Analysis: Fatigue analysis makes it easier to identify which recipients are more receptive versus less receptive to communications. Marketers can then target those segments appropriately to increase engagement and lower churn. The feature analyzes fatigue and makes send frequency recommendations by campaign (Frequency recommendations is available for Email and SMS campaigns only, it is not available for Push campaigns). This feature is currently available for the Email, SMS and Push messages campaigns.
  • Intelligent Audience selector: The Intelligent Audience selector is a starting stage that determines which contacts to bring into your program, based on the behavior of current and past program members. In this way, the Intelligent Audience selector can increase the program's engagement rates over time. It also significantly reduces the time marketers spend analyzing data and creating and refining filters and audiences. Note that this program orchestration stage is for recurring programs only and not intended for one-time programs.
  • Program Intelligent switch: The Program Intelligent switch sends each customer along a program orchestration path predicted by CX Marketing data science in Oracle Responsys, without the need for a marketer to manually define the criteria. The Intelligent switch enables you to select a path that is the best campaign, channel, and send time for each recipient. The switch helps you select the optimal combinations of best campaign, channel, and time.
  • Program Simulation: The Program Designer's Simulation feature enables marketers to get insights into the estimated metrics, and compare them with actual metrics for a currently running Program, or a previous Program. You can view estimated Program performance metrics for different versions of the same Program. The metrics viewed are Click-through rate, and open rate. Predictions are generated with confidence levels of Low, Medium, or High.
  • Send Time Optimization: This feature uses open and click data to determine the optimal day and time to send campaigns to each individual customer.
  • Subject Line Predictions for Email: This feature uses historic subject lines and associated open rates to predict if a new subject line will lead to a higher or lower than higher or lower than “33rd percentile” open rate in email campaigns.
  • Push Title Optimization: Push Title Optimization uses historic Push campaign titles and associated open rates to predict if a new title will lead to a higher or lower than the “33rd percentile” open rate.

Oracle Responsys Advanced Intelligence Package, Oracle Responsys Advanced Intelligence add-on, Oracle Responsys Advanced Intelligence SKU, Predictive CLV, Fatigue Analysis, Subject Line Predictions for Email, Push Title Optimization, Intelligence Switch, Intelligent Audience, Oracle Marketing Advanced Intelligence Cloud Service, Oracle Responsys Advanced Intelligence SKU, Responsys Advanced Intelligence SKU

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