Fatigue Analysis overview

Important: This feature is available as part of the Advanced Intelligence Package add-on that must be ordered for your account. Please contact your account manager or Oracle sales.

An image of Fatigue Analysis overview

Message fatigue occurs when consumers are subjected to over-messaging through various channels such as Email, SMS, or Push messages. It leads to customer churn, which impacts revenue and can harm brand reputation. The pattern is consistent: first they ignore your messages, then they start to immediately delete or send to spam, and finally they unsubscribe. Once they reach this stage, it's very difficult to get them back. Fatigue Analysis provides marketers with a solution for controlling how many campaigns their contacts receive, based on which persona the contact belongs to. Fatigue Analysis uses sends and clicks, or sends and opens to identify which of your recipients analyzed fall into which of the five personas: Under saturated, Just right, Saturated, Over saturated, and Inactive. You can use these personas to help you determine which recipients are showing decreased engagement and are at risk of burnout. For example, recipients in the Just right segment are those who are showing optimal engagement.

Important: If you want to use Fatigue Analysis for the SMS channel, ensure that your account is enabled for short URLs. Contact Oracle Support for more information.

Learn more by watching the video!

Note: Currently, Fatigue Analysis applies to the Email, SMS, and Push channels, and tracks email, SMS, and Push engagement behavior. This feature tracks only promotional email, SMS, or Push messages.

To navigate to the Fatigue Analysis page:

  1. Click Insight An image of the global navigation with the Search icon selected. on the side navigation bar.
  2. Select Fatigue Analysis.

Additional topics for understanding Fatigue Analysis

Fatigue Analysis mechanics

Fatigue Analysis dashboard for Email

Fatigue Analysis dashboard for SMS

Fatigue Analysis dashboard for Push

Fatigue Analysis filters and PET

Fatigue Analysis PET fields

Learn more

Insight Interactive Dashboards

Creating an Email Campaign

Creating an SMS campaign

Push Campaign - Creating a Campaign

Fatigue Analysis, Message Frequency, Frequency, Fatigue, SMS Fatigue Analysis, Push Fatigue Analysis, Churn, Engagement, Persona, Saturated, Over saturated, Under saturated, Just Right, burned-out, burn out