Fatigue Analysis filters and PET

Important: This feature is available as part of the Advanced Intelligence Package add-on that must be ordered for your account. Please contact your account manager or Oracle sales.

In this topic, you will learn about Fatigue Analysis's simple filters and PETs (see also Additional topics for understanding Fatigue Analysis):

Fatigue Analysis's prebuilt filters and PETs

Note: Fatigue Analysis PETs cannot be updated using Connect import jobs.

For each profile list in your Oracle Responsys account, you will find four prebuilt simple filters and one prebuilt PET, if Fatigue Analysis is enabled for your account.

For Fatigue Analysis for Push campaigns, the Mobile app has five prebuilt filters, and the App Channel List has one PET.

If you create a new profile list, the associated prebuilt filters and PET are automatically created as well.

For Push campaigns:

  • If you create a new App Channel list, the associated prebuilt PET is automatically created as well.

  • If you attach a Mobile App to an App Channel List, the associated prebuilt filters for the Mobile App are automatically created as well.

Each prebuilt filter represents one of five Fatigue Analysis personas: Under saturated, Just right, Saturated, Over saturated, and Inactive. In the Fatigue Analysis PETs, each profile is assigned a value for the fatigue persona, as well as a recommended cap per day, a recommended cap per month, and a recommended cap per week.

Note: Recommended caps are not supported by Fatigue Analysis for Push campaigns.

You can view the PETs and filters by navigating to The Folders icon Folders, or The Lists icon Data> Profile Lists.

Note: You cannot edit, modify, or delete Fatigue Analysis PETs. Additionally, the PETs do not have expiration dates.

The prebuilt filters and PETs are in the same folder as their associated profile list. Each prebuilt filter will have a combination of the profile list, or App Channel list, and one of the personas in its name. Each PET will have a combination of the profile list and the words "Fatigue persona" in its name. If you change the name of a profile list, the names of the associated prebuilt filters and PET will change to reflect this.

Note: Prebuilt filters and PETs will automatically be created for all existing profile lists after Fatigue Analysis is enabled for your account.

Note: Prebuilt filters are automatically created for all existing Mobile Apps that are associated with App Channel Lists after Fatigue Analysis is enabled for your account.

Note: Prebuilt PETs are automatically created for all existing App Channel Lists after Fatigue analysis is enabled for your account.

Personalization and targeting with Fatigue Analysis

With Fatigue Analysis, you can:

Important: If you want to use Fatigue Analysis for the SMS channel, ensure that your account is enabled for short URLs. Contact Oracle Support for more information.

How marketers can leverage Fatigue Analysis PETs and filters

The following four use cases illustrate some of the different ways that Fatigue Analysis can be leveraged by marketers.

Use case 1: Sending weekly or monthly targeted promotions

A marketer wants to send weekly promotional emails, SMS messages, or push messages to recipients belonging to the Just right segment as well as monthly promotional emails, SMS messages, or push messages to recipients belonging to the Saturated segment.

  1. First, the marketer leverages the pre-created filters for both of the fatigue personas, Just right and Saturated, in scheduled filters as start stages.
  2. Each start stage routes the recipient through different paths:
    1. A scheduled filter returns Just right recipients, and these recipients are sent an email, an SMS coupon, or a push message.
    2. A scheduled filter returns Over saturated recipients, and these recipients will not receive any messages.

Use case 2: Stop sending messages after a recipient's persona changes

A marketer wants to route all recipients who are Saturated so that they receive a personalized promotion. If one of these recipients moves into the Over saturated persona, then the marketer wants to stop sending further emails, SMS messages, or push messages. if they move into the Just right persona, then the marketer wants to send a follow-up incentive email, SMS message, or push message.

  1. First, the marketer uses a data switch in a program. Data switches lead to different paths depending on the filters that are referenced.
  2. An audience or scheduled filter brings in recipients, and the data switch looks at the FATIGUE_PERSONA of each recipient, then routes them to the appropriate path. For example, recipients with the Just right persona are routed to receive a personalized incentive email, or SMS message.

Use case 3: Sending messages personalized by persona

A marketer wants to send an engaging personalized message to recipients belonging to the Under saturated and Just right personas.

  1. The marketer sets up a dynamic content rule to display content about a spring sale for recipients who belong to the Just right persona, and content about an 'Early bird offering’ to recipients belonging to the Under saturated persona.

Use case 4: Reporting based on Fatigue segment groups

A marketer wants to see a report based on a Fatigue segment group.

  1. The marketer creates segment groups with rules based on the columns present in the Fatigue PET. This method may allow for more reuse of the segment rule for personalization. It can also help with performance reporting by allowing marketers to use segmentation reporting in Insight’s Interactive dashboards.
  2. Note: This use case is not supported for Fatigue Analysis for Push campaigns.

Additional topics for understanding Fatigue Analysis

Fatigue Analysis mechanics

Fatigue Analysis dashboard for Email

Fatigue Analysis dashboard for SMS

Fatigue Analysis dashboard for Push

Fatigue Analysis filters and PET (You are here)

Fatigue Analysis PET fields

Learn more

Fatigue Analysis overview

Managing Profile Extensions and Supplemental Data

Simple Filters

Fatigue Analysis, Persona, Saturated, Over saturated, Under saturated, Just Right, Inactive, filter, prebuilt filter, PET, profile extension, simple filter, Connect, import, edit, modify, delete, expiration date, folder, segment, data switch, personalization, targeting, dynamic content