Simple Filters

Important: This feature is available only if the Audience Designer is enabled for your account. If you have an account without Audience Designer and would like this feature enabled, please log in to My Oracle Support and create a service request. When Audience Designer is enabled for an account, existing classic filters can still be run, edited, and saved as another classic filter, but new classic filter cannot be created in the Filter Designer. If the Audience Designer in not enabled, see Classic Filters for information about filters.

Simple filters provide a way to target a set of records in a list based on specified conditions. You can use the Filters page to manage all filters from one centralized location and to create filters.

You can use simple filters in campaigns and programs, and as building blocks of an audience.

Each filter applies to a specific profile list. This means that you cannot use a filter you create for one list with another list.

If an App Channel list is associated with your profile list, you can create App Channel list filters. App Channel list filters allow you to send cross-channel or Mobile App campaigns to known users and unknown devices. Since an App Channel list is always associated with a profile list, all profile list attributes are available for the App Channel list filters.

If a Web Push Channel list is associated with your profile list, you can create Web Push Channel list filters. Web Push list filters allow you to send web push campaigns to known users and unknown users. Since a Web Push Channel list is always associated with a profile list, all profile list attributes are available for the Web Push Channel list filters.

About Organizational Access

If enabled for your account, the Organizational Access policy controls which objects (profile lists, filters, and audiences) a user can access. The availability of objects is based on the object’s and user’s organization assignment, and the functional role assigned to the user. For more information about Organizational Access Control, see Organizational Access and Targeting by Organization--Overview.

By default, filters are assigned to the user's organizational units during creation. To view and change the organization assignment, click the arrow next to the audience name and select Access Control.

About filter types

A filter has a specific type, which defines the data category of its targeting criteria, for example Profile Data or Email behavior.

You can create filters of one of the following types:

Profile data
Includes profile and table membership attributes.

By default, profile data filters can include up to 8 conditions, and behavioral filters can include up to 5 conditions.

Note: Accounts enabled with Audience Designer prior to 19C may need to log in to My Oracle Support and create a service request.

To request to change the default values, log in to My Oracle Support and create a service request. For App Channel profile filters, you can also access App Channel profile attributes. Additionally, for Web Push Channel List filters, you can access Web Push profile attributes.

Email behavior
Includes interaction and recency attributes for the email channel.

Form behavior
Includes viewed form and submitted form attributes.

Web behavior
Includes attributes for Omniture recency remarketing events.

SMS behavior
Includes interaction and recency attributes for the SMS channel.

Important: Available only if Oracle Responsys SMS is enabled for your account.

Web Push behavior
Includes interaction and recency attributes for the Web Push channel.

Important: Available only if Web Push is enabled for your account.

Push behavior
Includes interaction and recency attributes for the Push channel. Available only for App Channel List filters.

Display behavior
Includes the Last cookie refresh date attribute.

Includes Program and import attributes.

You use attributes for building filter rules. For a list of attributes available for each filter type, see Filter Attributes.

Simple Filter, Filter, Filter Type, Attributes

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