Filters Management Page

Important: This feature is currently under measured deployment and will be rolled out over time.

You can use the Filters page to manage all filters from one centralized location and to create filters. You can also manage and create filters via the Profile Lists page.

To navigate to the Filters page:

  1. Click The Audiences icon Audiences in the side navigation bar.
  2. Click Filters.

About the Filters management page

Search filters for a specific string in the name.

Sort the list.

Switch to the list view. Click to return to the detail view.

Create a new filter.

Access other options related to the filter, such as the Object Relationship Navigator, editing the filter, previewing the filter, and further options..

Click the filter name to open the Filter Designer.

View more filter details.

Select filtering criteria for the list.

Learn more

Filters, Simple Filters, Filter Management, Filters Page, Create Filter