Object Relationship Navigator

Important: The new Object Relationship Navigator is currently under measured deployment and will be rolled out over time.

The Object Relationship Navigator is an interactive feature that enables you to visualize how different objects (such as campaigns, programs, filters, profile lists, etc.) in your account are related to each other. You are able to understand the impact a specific object may have on other objects when updated. Some of the relationships you can view include:

  • A campaign's relationship with other objects

  • A program's relationship with campaigns and other objects

  • A data object and its relationships with other objects

Example use case: A marketer wants to send an email campaign about a new promotional deal for early birds and wants to update her existing target Audience to include people from California. Before making the update, the marketer needs to understand which other campaigns will be impacted by this change.
Using the Object Relationship Navigator, the marketer can view the relationships between that Audience and other campaigns.

Accessing the Object Relationship Navigator

To access the Object Relationship Navigator:

  1. Navigate to:
  2. Alternatively, you can use the search results to view the Object Relationship Navigator for specific data objects (for example, a profile list, filter, form, campaign, program, audience, etc.).
  3. Click View relationships .

    Note: In the Campaign Designer, you will instead click View > Campaign relationship. In the Manage campaigns page, you will instead click ... > View relationships.

    Tip: In the Program Designer, View relationships is at the top of the page.

    In a campaign workbook, View relationships is in the Information panel.
    An image of the View Relationships icon in the Campaign Workbook
    In the Campaign Designer, access the Object Relationship Navigator by clicking View > Campaign relationship.

    In the Manage Programs page, Manage Campaigns page, Audiences page, and search results, View relationships is beside the program, campaign, or data object in a row.

Viewing object relationships

Using an email campaign as an example, the Object Relationship Navigator enables you to view the objects such as profile lists, filters, link table, proof list/seed groups etc. that are referenced in the campaign.

To view additional information about the object in the center of the relationship map, click the side panel . This panel provides information such as: Name, Description, Status, Folder etc. Click on the object name to open and edit it.

Clicking the side panel for programs displays the same information such as Name, Description, Status, and also the Campaigns and Filters/Views referenced in draft programs and published programs.

You can navigate through the relationship map and see what campaigns are related to a specific profile list or what data objects such as proof list/seed groups, filters, or profile extension tables are related to a specific profile list.

In the below example, count of two within the supplemental table object indicates that there are two supplemental tables related to the email campaign. Click to expand the object.

More indicates there are additional objects related to the campaign. Click More to display the list of additional objects.

Viewing Object Relationships Without Permissions

Organization Access Control prevents users from accessing objects in the Object Relationship Navigator if those objects are outside of the user's organization, or the user does not have permissions to edit the object. Users can view all object relationships, however selecting an object without the required permissions will prompt a message stating that the user does not have sufficient permissions to view the relationship for that object.

Example: In the example below, the program's relationships with all of the campaigns referenced within that program are displayed.

Clicking on the campaign ‘OPL_Email_Campaign1’ which doesn’t belong to the user’s Organization will display the permission prompt.

Note: If the Object Relationship Navigator does not display the most up-to-date information for an already created or modified object, open the object and save, then reopen the Object Relationship Navigator.

Object Relationships List

Object Relationship Navigator, ORN, Relationship Navigator, Object Relationship, Objects

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Understanding Program