Creating Segment Groups

Segment groups divide a profile list into segments, and provide a better understanding of the composition and characteristics of your populated profile list values and clientele. After creating customer-specific segmentation rules, you can insert and control dynamic content in campaigns, personalize variables in your campaign messages and form documents, or track overall performance of up to five segments in a campaign.

You can define rules for a segment group based on attributes of a profile extension table in addition to attributes of a profile list.

Note: To use a segment group that uses a profile extension table in a campaign, you must select that profile extension table as an additional data source for the campaign.

Creating Segment Groups and Rules

The following details this step-driven process.

  1. Click The Lists icon Data on the side navigation bar, and select Profile Lists. (Not seeing this choice? Refer to the Side navigation bar changes topic.)
  2. Select a list from the drop down or click the Create New List link to create a new List. Highlight the profile list in the Lists section.
  3. Select the Segment Groups tab and click Add.

Alternately, you can click The Folders icon Folders on the side navigation bar, and select the folder containing the profile list. Then, click next to profile list name, and select Create Segmentation.

Step 1: Name

  • Name: Enter a unique segment group name. Names are limited to 30 characters.
  • Folder: Select the containing folder for your segment group list.
  • Description: Enter descriptive text, as needed.
  • Segment Group Data Source: Select either Profile List Only or Profile List and Profile Extension Table.

    If you select Profile List and Profile Extension Table, select the profile extension table you want to use from the drop down list.

    Note: To use a segment group that uses a profile extension table in a campaign, you must select that profile extension table as an additional data source for the campaign. For information about selecting an additional data source, see Selecting Additional Data Sources.

Step 2: Rules

A rule is a set of conditions that define the characteristics of a segment group list.


  • Opening Segment Group Rule Page: Click Folders. Click next to desired list name, and select Create Segmentation. Select Segment Dashboard, and click on a segment rule.
  • Adding Segment Rules: Click the Add Segment Rule link to define a new rule. All rules (segments) make up your segmentation group.
  • Creating Rules and Rule Sets: Defining segment group rules works with the traditional concept of combining field conditions management with boolean AND/OR statements.
  • Default Rule: Every segment group always includes the Default Rule as the last segment instruction, and applies for every recipient in your associated list. This rule is implemented for segment group recipients to whom no other defined rule applies. While you may change the name of the default rule, you can not delete the Default Rule itself.
  • Available Fields: Available fields used in rules are all the system- and custom-defined fields for the associated List.
  • Rule Application Order: When applying rule conditions, the placement order for each rule is critical.

    When a profile list that includes a segment group list is processed for any associated campaign, the first segment rule is applied to any recipients matching its conditions. Subsequent rules are then similarly applied. Any recipients not affected by previous rule conditions then have the Default Rule applied. As you create more rules, you can use and to change the order in which they're evaluated.

  • Segment Group Properties: Your segment group rule results can be viewed and evaluated via the Segment Group Properties page. (Click next to desired segmentation list name, and select Properties.)

Warning: When you delete rules there in no confirmation message. If you inadvertently delete a rule, redefine it, and move it into the correct order in your rule list.

Step 3: Properties

To view and evaluate your latest segment group counts and percentages:

  • Click Folders, and click next to the segment group name to select its properties.

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