Defining Segment Group Rules

A rule is a set of conditions that define the characteristics of a segment group List.

To open the Segment Group Rule page:

  1. Click Folders and click next to the Segmentation List you want.
  2. Select Segment Dashboard and click on a segment rule.

To add Segment Rules:

  1. Click Add Segment link to define a new rule. The rules (segments) make up your segmentation group.

To create Rules and Rule Sets:

Defining segment group rules works with the traditional concept of combining field conditions management with boolean AND/OR statements.

About the Default Rule

The Default Rule is the last segment instruction in very segment group. The Default Rule applies for every recipient in your associated List. This rule is implemented for segment group recipients to which no other defined rule applies. While you may change the default name, you many not delete the Default Rule.

About Available Fields

Available fields used in rules are all the system- and custom-defined for the associated List.

About Rule Order

When applying rule conditions, the placement order for each rule is critical.

When a List that includes a segment group List is processed for any associated campaign, the first segment rule is applied to any recipients matching its conditions. Subsequent rules are then similarly applied. Any recipients not affected by previous rule conditions then have the Default Rule applied. As you create more rules, you can use and to change the order in which they're evaluated.

About Segment Group Properties

Segment group rule results can be viewed and evaluated via the Segment Group Properties page. To open that page, click next to the Segmentation List name and select Properties.

About Deleting Rules

There is no confirmation before deleting a rule. If you inadvertently delete a rule, redefine it, and move it into the correct order in your rule list.

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