List Segmentations

List segmentations divide a profile list into segments, and provide a better understanding of the composition and characteristics of your populated profile list values and clientele. After creating customer-specific segmentation rules, you can insert and control dynamic content in campaigns, personalize variables in your campaign messages and form documents, or track overall performance of up to five segment groups in a campaign.

List segmentation is not used for targeting customers in a campaign. Rather, it's used in reporting and analysis after a campaign has launched.

Important: Tracking more than one segment group for reporting and analysis (Multi-Segment Performance Reporting) is available only if it is enabled for your account.

Segmentation Examples

Examples include all customers fitting one or more sets of criteria, such as the following.

  • Customers over 30.
  • Purchase Band segment group to include segments for 0 purchases, 1 to 5 purchases, and 6 or more purchases.


  • Creating Segmentation Lists – Click Data and select Profile Lists.(Not seeing this choice? Refer to the Side navigation bar changes topic.) Highlight the profile list to be associated with your segment group and click Create Segmentation.
  • List Segmentation Rules – A rule is a set of conditions that define the characteristics of a segment group list. When you set up your segment rules, all the fields in your associated list are available to you.
  • Segmentation Properties – To view and evaluate your latest segment group counts and percentages, click Folders, locate your desired segmentation list, and click to select its properties.
  • Copying List Segmentations – Click next to the original segment group name, and select Copy.

    Note: While you may change the designation folder, your copy will remain associated with the profile list that was chosen for the original segment.

  • Deleting List Segmentations – Click next to the desired segment group name, and select Delete.

    Warning: Every segment group must be associated with a specified profile list. That list may be linked to one or more active campaigns. Permanently deleting a segment group may impact these campaigns.

  • Segmentation and Text Replacement Fields – You may use list segmentation names as text replacement fields in your campaign documents, for example:  segmentGroupName$). The segment group names in the document, however, must be identical to the list segmentation name you selected when setting up your campaign.

    Like a campaign variable, these text replacement fields typically appear within a targetruledocument() or select() built-in function. For complete details about using built-in functions, see the Oracle Responsys Built-in Functions Guide.

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