Fatigue Analysis mechanics

Important: This feature is available as part of the Advanced Intelligence Package add-on that must be ordered for your account. Please contact your account manager or Oracle sales.

In this topic, learn about the Fatigue Analysis mechanics and terminology (see also Additional topics for understanding Fatigue Analysis):

Fatigue Analysis personas

Fatigue Analysis uses sends and clicks, or sends and opens to identify which of your recipients analyzed fall into which of the five personas: Under saturated, Just right, Saturated, Over saturated, and Inactive.

An image showing Fatigure Analysis personas and the percentages in each persona

Under saturated: Recipients belonging to this segment are receiving too few messages. You should consider sending them more.

Just right: Recipients in this segment are those who are showing optimal engagement.

Saturated: Recipients belonging to this segment are those who are showing decreased engagement. Consider sending them personalized or fewer messages.

Over saturated: Recipients belonging to this segment show greatly decreased engagement and are at risk for burnout. You should consider sending them fewer messages.

Inactive: Recipients belonging to this segment show no engagement.

Recipients analyzed

"Recipients analyzed" are those recipients belonging to your profile list who are opted-in and deliverable, and who were sent at least one promotional message in the last 180 days.


This section defines the Fatigue Analysis metrics for Email, SMS and Push message campaigns.


Fatigue Analysis uses metrics (sends and opens) to determine which profiles belong in which personas for messages. Its dashboard displays a chart that you can use to compare open rate and sends across the five personas. Learn more about how these metrics are defined:

Metric name Metric definition
Sends Number of sent messages.
Opens Number of email messages opened, including multiple opens, except Auto Opens. Learn more about tracking opens.
Open rate (Opens / Delivered) * 100%


Fatigue Analysis uses metrics (sends and clicks) to determine which profiles belong in which personas for SMS messages. Its dashboard displays a chart that you can use to compare sends and clicks across the five personas. Learn more about how these metrics are defined:

Metric Name Metric Definition
Sends Number of sent messages.
Clicks Number of clicks captured on the SMS messages.
Click Rate Click Rate = Clicks / Sends * 100

Important: If you want to use Fatigue Analysis for the SMS channel, ensure that your account is enabled for short URLs. Contact Oracle Support for more information.


Fatigue analysis uses metrics (delivered, push opens, app launches) to determine which profiles belong in which personas for push messages. Its dashboard displays a chart that you can use to compare delivered, push opens, open rates, and app launches across the five personas. Learn more about how these metrics are defined:

Metric Name Metric Definition
Delivered Number of delivered push messages. Delivered = Sends - Bounces.
Open Rate Open Rate = Opens / Delivered.
App Launches Number of apps launched from push messages.

Additional topics for understanding Fatigue Analysis

Fatigue Analysis mechanics (You are here)

Fatigue Analysis dashboard for Email

Fatigue Analysis dashboard for SMS

Fatigue Analysis dashboard for Push

Fatigue Analysis filters and PET

Fatigue Analysis PET fields

Learn more

Fatigue Analysis overview

Fatigue Analysis, Persona, Saturated, Over saturated, Under saturated, Just Right, Inactive, sends, opens, open rate, delivered, push opens, app launches, recipients analyzed, metrics