Managing Profile Extensions and Supplemental Data

You can manage Profile Extension Tables (PETs) and Supplemental Data tables from your Folders.

Note: You cannot edit, modify, or delete RFM PETs. Additionally, RFM PETs do not have expiration dates.

Use Connect to import PET records or Supplemental Data records in a more automated way. Learn more about Connect. See Loading Lists from Files for details about importing records, and Creating List Records for direct-entry creation.

Tip: For new accounts provisioned after 19A, system administrators can choose to have a predefined set of assets (a profile list, PETs, and supplemental tables) automatically included in the account, based on an industry vertical. For more information, see Preloaded Data Assets.

Viewing table records

To view table records:

  1. Click The Folders icon Folders on the side navigation bar.
  2. Select the folder containing the table.
  3. Click next to the table in the folder and select View and Edit Data from the context menu.
  4. Click Find to search for specific records. See Finding List Data Records for details.

You can choose the character setting from the Charset drop-down list. Click Pick View Columns to choose the columns you want to view. You can download table data. See Downloading List Data for details.

Manually edit table records

To manually edit records in a table:

  1. Click The Folders icon Folders on the side navigation bar.
  2. Select the folder containing the table.
  3. Click next to the table in the folder and select View and Edit Data from the context menu.
  4. Select the checkbox next to the record you want to edit and click Edit. Click Find to search for records.
  5. Make your changes and click Save.

    Tip: As of the 19A update, you can copy and paste emojis into the text field of a data record when editing it in Responsys. You can also see the emoji when viewing table records.

Manually add table records

To manually add records to a table:

  1. Click The Folders icon Folders on the side navigation bar.
  2. Select the folder containing the table.
  3. Click next to the table in the folder and select View and Edit Data from the context menu.
  4. Click New Record.
  5. Make your changes and click Save.

    Tip: As of the 19A update, you can copy and paste emojis into the text field of a data record when creating it from the New Record dialog in Responsys. You can also see the emoji when viewing table records.

Deleting table records

You can manually delete PET records or Supplemental Data records.

You can delete PET records without deleting the associated Profile List record. When you delete PET records, the record is permanently deleted. No system process is necessary.

Supplemental Data can be removed independently of profile data using the API or manually using the UI.

  • Using the Oracle Responsys UI, you can purge all records in a Supplemental Table or delete the entire table.
  • Using Connect, you can remove supplemental data by removing all existing records on upload, or overwriting the data with NULL data. Learn more about importing Supplemental Data.
  • Using a validated table that maps supplemental data tables to parent customer profile records, then enabling it to be included as part of the asynchronous daily customer profile bulk deletion process. Learn more about Supplemental Data Management.

To manually delete records in a table:

  1. Click The Folders icon Folders on the side navigation bar.
  2. Select the folder containing the table.
  3. Click next to the table in the folder and select View and Edit Data from the context menu.
  4. Select the checkbox next to the record you want to delete and click Delete. Click Find to search for records.

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