Mobile Apps Dashboard

Note: This dashboard is available only to users with the Mobile Apps Analytics Manager role.

This dashboard provides an at-a-glance summary of your Push and In-App campaigns. The dashboard helps you analyze trends in performance metrics over time, and provides drill-down to the campaign for deep-dive analysis.

Note: Message Center sends and related events are not included in this dashboard. You can view them on the Message Center dashboard.

The charts on this dashboard help you to:

  • Trend notification performance metrics over time and drill down on areas of interest
  • View notifications split by the device OS
  • Analyze data for the past 48 hours broken down by the hour
  • Conduct granular analysis with detailed tabular reports

You can search and filter the charts by campaign type, program, and campaign.

To Open the Mobile Apps Dashboard

  1. Click The Insight icon Insight on the side navigation bar, and select Interactive Dashboards.
  2. On the Analytics page, select the Mobile Apps tab.
  3. To select a campaign type, select Push or In-App from the Campaign Type list, then click Apply.
  4. From the main dashboard, you can access these additional dashboards and reports:

Learn more about the measures and dimensions available for the Mobile Apps channel.

Summary of Key Performance Metrics

The dashboard provides a quick overview of the following key performance metrics for Push notifications and In-App campaigns:

  • Sent––Number of sent notifications. You can also provide a date range to filter the total number of messages sent over a period of time.
  • Delivered Rate––(Delivered/Total Pushes Sent) * 100%
  • Open Rate––(Opens/Delivered) * 100%. For In-App messages, the marketer must enable "Track In-app Opens" in the In-App Campaign Designer to track Opens. Turning open tracking on for the campaign enables Responsys to track the number of times the In-App message is displayed.
  • Active Rate–– (Actives/Delivered) * 100%, where "actives" are recipients that had the app open and in the foreground when the Push notification was delivered. For Push campaigns only.
  • Click-Through Rate––(Clicks/Delivered) * 100%. For In-App and Rich Push campaigns only.
  • Button Click-Through Rate––(Button Clicks/Push messages delivered that included Interactive Notifications) * 100%. For Push Campaigns only.
  • Conversion Rate––(Conversions / Delivered) * 100%. For Push Campaigns only.
  • Revenue per 1K Messages––(Total Revenue / Total Delivered) * 1000

    Note: This key performance metric only displays for Push Campaigns (Campaign Types > Push Campaign).

Performance Trend Chart

This chart trends performance metrics. Use this chart to see performance over time, analyze trends, and drill down to details to understand causes behind the trends.

For Push campaigns, metrics include Sent, Delivered, Opens, Actives, Conversions, and Revenue.

For In-App campaigns, metrics include Sent, Delivered, Opens, and Clicks.

The performance metrics can also be plotted against each other for a comparison over time. To do this, select the comparison from the drop down list.

For a deeper analysis of the trend at any point on the chart, click the point to analyze the campaigns that contribute towards the trend.

Performance by Platform Type Chart

This chart shows the following performance metrics, by platform type (the Operating System corresponding to the Platform selected by the App developer):

For Push campaigns:

  • Open Rate––(Opens/Delivered) * 100%
  • Sent––Total number of sent notifications
  • Delivered Rate––(Delivered/Total Pushes Sent) * 100%
  • Bounce Rate – (Bounced/Sent) * 100%
  • Active Rate––(Actives/Delivered) * 100
  • Button Click-Through Rate–– (Button Clicks/Push messages delivered that included Interactive Notifications) * 100%. For Push Campaigns only.
  • Conversion Rate––(Conversions/Delivered) * 100%
  • Revenue––Total revenue associated with a particular campaign launch. Learn more about revenue tracking.

For In-App campaigns:

  • Click-Through Rate––(Clicks/Delivered) * 100%
  • Sent––Total number of sent notifications
  • Delivered Rate––(Delivered/Total Pushes Sent) * 100%
  • Bounce Rate – (Bounced/Sent) * 100%
  • Open Rate––(Opens/Delivered) * 100%

Campaign Performance

This report provides granular analysis of campaigns.

Note: For Rich Push messages, the report shows Clicks in addition to other metrics.

For Push campaigns, metrics include:

Tip: To include or exclude any of the metrics below, right-click on a column and select Exclude column or Include column.

  • Sent––Total number of sent notifications. Includes message center campaigns.
  • Bounced––Number of bounced messages. This includes both hard and soft bounces. "Soft" bounces can occur due to many reasons: message payload issues, incorrect FCM or APNs credentials, Google or Apple server errors, and the like. "Hard" bounces result from the device user having uninstalled the app. Responsys detects app uninstalls through hard bounces. This may affect campaign reporting. Marketers may observe a spike in bounces for some campaigns. When there is a long interval between campaign launches, there is more time for app uninstalls to occur, which leads to more hard bounce errors. Marketers may view the App Uninstall report to see how hard bounces may have affected the total bounce rate.
  • Bounce Rate––(Bounced / Sent) * 100%
  • Delivered––Number of successfully delivered messages (that is, Sent - Bounced)
  • Delivered Rate––(Delivered / Total Sent) * 100%. Includes message center campaigns.
  • Opens––Number of notifications opened, including repeat opens. For message center messages, number of times users tap on the message to be deep linked to detailed promotional content.
  • Open Rate––(Opens / Delivered) * 100%; for Message Center, (Opens / Sent) * 100%
  • Actives––Number of recipients that had the app open and in the foreground when the Push message arrived.
  • Active Rate––(Active / Delivered) * 100
  • Button Clicks––Number of clicks on a button.
  • Button Click-Through Rate––(Button Clicks/Push messages delivered that included Interactive Notifications) * 100%
  • Conversions––Number of conversion events. Conversion events are actions that happen in the mobile app based on the Push notification. This metric shows the total for all of the following event types: In-app Purchases, Premium Content (video views), Social Media hits, and Other. You can view the number of each conversion event type in the individual campaign dashboards.
  • Conversion Rate––(Conversions / Delivered) * 100%
  • Revenue per Message––(Total Revenue / Total Delivered)
  • Revenue––Total revenue associated with a particular campaign launch. Learn more about revenue tracking.
  • Total Orders––Number of total orders received
  • Average Order Value––(Revenue / Total Orders)

For In-App campaigns, metrics include:

  • Sent––Total number of sent notifications. Includes message center campaigns.
  • Bounced––Number of bounced messages. This includes both hard and soft bounces. "Soft" bounces can occur due to many reasons: message payload issues, incorrect FCM or APNs credentials, Google or Apple server errors, and the like. "Hard" bounces result from the device user having uninstalled the app. Responsys detects app uninstalls through hard bounces. This may affect campaign reporting. Marketers may observe a spike in bounces for some campaigns. When there is a long interval between campaign launches, there is more time for app uninstalls to occur, which leads to more hard bounce errors. Marketers may view the App Uninstall report to see how hard bounces may have affected the total bounce rate.
  • Bounce Rate––(Bounced / Sent) * 100%
  • Delivered––Number of successfully delivered messages (that is, Sent - Bounced)
  • Delivered Rate––(Delivered / Total Sent) * 100%. Includes message center campaigns.
  • Opens––Number of notifications opened, including repeat opens. For message center messages, number of times users tap on the message to be deep linked to detailed promotional content. For In-App messages, you must enable "Track In-app Opens" in the In-App Campaign Designer. Turning open tracking on for the campaign enables Responsys to track the number of times the In-App message is displayed.
  • Open Rate––(Opens / Delivered) * 100%; for Message Center, (Opens / Sent) * 100%
  • Clicks––Number of total clicks on the message. Applies to In-app Message, Rich Push, and Message Center campaigns, because you can only enable link tracking for mobile app campaigns that contain HTML content. Clicks are not generated for message center campaigns originated from a push campaign.
  • Click-Through Rate––(Clicks / Delivered) * 100%; for Message Center, (Clicks / Sent) * 100%. Applies to In-App, Rich Push, and Message Center campaigns.

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