In-App Campaign Analysis Dashboard

Note: This dashboard is available only to users with the Mobile Apps Analytics Manager role.

This dashboard provides a comprehensive analysis of the selected In-App campaign.

To open the In-App Campaign Analysis dashboard:

  1. Click The Insight icon Insight on the side navigation bar, and select Interactive Dashboards.
  2. Select In-App Campaign from the Campaign Type drop down list and click Apply.
  3. In the In-App Campaign Performance table, click of the campaign you want to analyze.

Summary of Key Performance Metrics

The dashboard provides a quick overview of the following key performance metrics for the campaign:

  • Sent––Number of sent in-app notifications
  • Delivered Rate––(Delivered/Total Sent) * 100%
  • Open Rate––(Opens/Delivered) * 100%
  • Click-Through Rate––(Clicks/Delivered) * 100%. Applies to In-App, Rich Push, and Message Center campaigns.

Performance by Platform Type

This chart shows the following performance metrics, by platform type (the Operating System corresponding to the platform selected by the app developer):

  • Click-Through Rate––(Clicks/Delivered) * 100%. Applies to In-App, Rich Push, and Message Center campaigns.
  • Sent––Total number of sent in-app notifications
  • Delivered Rate––(Delivered/Total Sent) * 100%
  • Open Rate––(Opens/Delivered) * 100%

Performance Trend by Platform Type

This chart trends the following performance metrics, by platform type:

  • Clicks––Number of total clicks on the in-app message
  • Sent––Number of sent in-app notifications
  • Delivered––Number of successfully delivered in-app messages (i.e. Sent - Bounced)
  • Opens––Number of in-app notifications opened, including repeat opens

Campaign Performance

This report provides granular analysis of the campaign.

Learn more