Push Notification Actions Dashboard

Note: This dashboard is available only to users with the Mobile Apps Analytics Manager role.

The charts on this dashboard trend performance metrics over time by notification action:

  • Launch App
  • Open Rich Message
  • Open URL

The dashboard helps you analyze trends in Push performance metrics over time, and provides drill-down to the detailed campaign for deep-dive analysis.

For a deeper campaign-level analysis of the trend at a specific point, click the point to drill down to the campaigns that contribute towards the trend.

You can plot the performance metrics against each other for a comparison over time. To do this, select the comparison from the drop down list.

To open the Push Notification Actions dashboard:

  1. Click The Insight icon Insight on the side navigation bar, and select Interactive Dashboards.
  2. On the Analytics page, select the Mobile Apps tab and expand Performance.
  3. Click Push Notification Actions.

Summary of Key Performance Metrics

The dashboard provides a quick overview of the following key performance metrics for each action:

Launch App

  • Sent––Number of sent notifications
  • Open Rate––(Opens/Delivered) * 100%
  • Active Rate––(Responses/Delivered) * 100%
  • Conversion Rate––(Conversions/Delivered) * 100%
  • Revenue––Total revenue associated with a particular campaign launch. Learn more about revenue tracking.

Open Rich Message

  • Sent––Number of sent notifications
  • Open Rate––(Opens/Delivered) * 100%
  • Active Rate––(Responses/Delivered) * 100%
  • Click-Through Rate––(Clicks/Delivered) * 100%
  • Revenue––Total revenue associated with a particular campaign launch. Learn more about revenue tracking.

Open URL

  • Sent––Number of sent notifications
  • Open Rate––(Opens/Delivered) * 100%
  • Active Rate––(Responses/Delivered) * 100%
  • Conversion Rate––( Conversions/Delivered) * 100%
  • Revenue––Total revenue associated with a particular campaign launch. Learn more about revenue tracking.

Learn more