What's new to the Asynchronous REST API

This section describes changes and enhancements to the Oracle Responsys Asynchronous REST APIs in product updates during the past year.

Changes for 22B

  • We've added a new asynchronous API "Asynchronous Trigger REI Event". This endpoint enables you to asynchronously trigger a REI Event for Profile List, App Channel List, and Web Push recipients. Learn more.

  • We've added a new asynchronous API "Asynchronous Delete Multiple Profile Extension Recipients API". This endpoint enables you to asynchronously delete members of an existing profile extension table. Learn more.

  • The API limits for Asynchronous Merge Trigger SMS API have been enhanced. Please reach out to the support if you require a higher limit for this API.

Changes for 22A

Changes for 21D

There are no significant updates to the Asynchronous REST API.

Changes for 21C

  • We've added a new asynchronous API "Asynchronous Trigger a Custom Event". This endpoint enables you to asynchronously trigger a specific custom event. Learn more.

  • We've added a new asynchronous API "Asynchronous Trigger Push Message". This endpoint enables you to asynchronously trigger a push message. Learn more.

  • A new Multiple Polling API endpoint is now available. Poll up to 200 request IDs in a single request. Learn more.

  • The Asynchronous Polling API now supports up to 10 request IDs per request. Combine multiple request IDs using the "&" operator. Specifying multiple request IDs enables you to retrieve more of your asynchronous requests in a single request. Learn more.

  • We've added a new query parameter to the Asynchronous Polling API named "?returnReferenceData=true". Enabling this parameter enables you to see any reference data specified in the original asynchronous request. Returning reference data is supported by the following endpoints: Asynchronous Merge Trigger Email API, Asynchronous Merge Trigger SMS API, and Asynchronous Trigger Push Message API. Learn more.

  • We have significantly improved the Async API limits for the Polling API and Email Merge Trigger API. Access your latest limits using the Get Throttling Limits API.

Changes for 21B

Changes for 21A

  • We've added a new endpoint to enable you to delete content library items. See Asynchronous Delete Content Library Items API for details.

  • We've added new metrics to the Reporting API. This new metrics are:

    • Responders (responders)

    • Average clicks (averageClicks)

    • Click per responder (clickPerResponder)

    • Responder rate (responderRate)

    • Unique clicks (uniqueClicks)

    • Unique click-to-open rate (uniqueClickToOpenRate)

    For more information, see the response body for the Polling API endpoint.

Learn more

What's new