Defining Custom Columns

You can define custom columns so that, when Connect exports contact event files, they contain these columns and associated data. This allows you to append custom data to each recipient event.

For example, an open event for for the Spring Sale campaign may contain a custom column SEGMENT that contains a value of 101. When you process the files in your system, the SEGMENT value can be valuable for future marketing activities targeted to

These instructions are applicable for defining email custom columns and SMS custom columns.

To define a custom column:

  1. From the side navigation bar, select Account . (If you do not see the side navigation bar, click the Menu button (aka Hamburger menu) icon.)
  2. Select Contact event data settings, and then select either Email custom columns or SMS custom columns. (Not seeing these choices? Refer to the Account management changes topic.)
  3. Click Add new column.
  4. Enter the name of the column and an optional description.
    You can define up to 12 custom columns.

You can edit and delete custom columns as needed.

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