Working with Content Library Content

The right pane of the Content Library shows the Content List of the selected folder.

To work with content items, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Actions button—use this button to work with one or more content items.
  • Context menu—use the context menu to work with individual items. To open the context menu, click next to the item name.
  • Quick View—use Quick View to view details about the item. To open Quick View, point at an item and click .

The following table describes the actions you can perform using the Actions button, Context menu, and Quick View.

This action... Does this... Actions Button Context menu command Quick View
Preview Displays a preview of the selected content item Available when one or several items are selected Preview
  1. Point at the item and select .
  2. Click the thumbnail.
Add to Favorites

Adds the content item to Favorites

Tip: You can also add an item to favorites by pointing at the item and clicking An image of the Add to Favorites icon .

Available when one or several items are selected Add to Favorites N/A

Moves the content item from one location to another

Tip: You can also move items by dragging them to a folder.

Available when one or several items are selected Move N/A
Copy Copies the content item to a new or existing folder Available when one or several items are selected Copy N/A
Copy filename and path Copies the file name and path of the content item Available only when a single item is selected Copy filename and path N/A
Export Downloads the file from the Content Library Available when one or several items are selected Export N/A

HTML and TXT content only

You can edit content using either a WYSIWYG HTML editor or a plain text editor, depending on the account configuration and the content item type. For example, for HTML, you use the WYSIWYG editor if it is enabled for the an account.

Available only when a single HTML or TXT item is selected Edit
  1. Point at the item and select .
  2. Click Edit Document.
Generate Text document

HTML content only

Generates a Text document from an HTML document


Available only when a single HTML item is selected Generate Text document N/A
Character Set

HTML and TXT content only

Changes the character set of the document

Available only when a single HTM or TXT item is selected Character Set  
Create link table

HTML and TXT content only

Scans the selected documents to derive links to be used in a link table

Available only when a single HTM or TXT item is selected Create link table N/A
Rename Renames the content item Available only when a single item is selected Rename N/A

Adds tags to the content item

For more information, see Tagging Content in the Content Library.

Available only when a single item is selected Tag
  1. Point at the item and select .
  2. Click Add Tags.

Moves the content items to the Recycle Bin.

You can restore the deleted files and folders from the Recycle Bin folder to their original location in the Content Library within 30 days. After 30 days, content will be deleted from the Recycle Bin and cannot be retrieved.

To retrieve items from the Recycle Bin, select the item and click Restore.

Available when one or several items are selected Delete N/A
Item details

Shows the following information:

  • Image thumbnail (documents and non-image items show an expanded icon)
  • Content item name—the file name, including the file extension
  • Author—the User Display Name of the user who created the item
  • Type—the file type
  • Size—the file size
  • Created on—the date that the item was created
  • Last modified—the date that the item was last modified
N/A N/A Point at the items and select .

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