Launching an SMS Campaign

Note: The SMS Campaign Workbook now has an updated interface and is now called the SMS Campaign Designer. Campaign Designer is now enabled for all accounts, and it replaces Campaign Workbook for this channel. Unlike the Campaign Designer, there were no major changes made to the Message Designer's interface.

You can launch an SMS campaign using the Campaign Designer (if it has been enabled for your account) or Program. If the Campaign Designer has not yet been rolled out to your account, you can launch an SMS campaign from the campaign workbook.

Launching a campaign from the Campaign Designer

For marketer-initated campaigns, you can use the Campaign Designer to define a launch schedule and launch the campaign.

Note: This section is available only for marketer-initated campaigns.

To launch a campaign from the Campaign Designer:

  1. On the side navigation bar, click Campaigns and select Manage Campaigns.
  2. Open the SMS campaign you want to work with.
  3. Click Launch at the top of the Campaign Designer and specify the Launch settings.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Review the Launch summary.
  6. Click either:
    • Schedule: if you selected Once or Recurring earlier on
    • Launch: if you selected Immediately earlier on

Launching a campaign from the campaign workbook

For marketer-initated campaigns, you can use the campaign workbook to define a launch schedule and launch the campaign. Optionally, you can select throttling settings and send notifications for skipped, sent, and launch failures. Throttling controls the rate at which outbound messages are sent.

To launch a campaign from the campaign workbook:

  1. On the side navigation bar, click Campaigns and select Manage Campaigns.
  2. Open the SMS campaign you want to work with.
  3. Specify the Launch settings. Learn more about the launch settings.

Launching a campaign from Program

From within Program, you can send text messages using SMS (Short Message Service). Program allows you to build cross-channel programs that tie together a series of sequenced SMS messages or a sequence of email and SMS messages, targeted to specific recipients. Furthermore, you can set up a cross-channel program with rules and data events that determine whether an email, mobile SMS message or both should be sent to a recipient at a given time.

For example, a marketer can send an email a week before a certain date (such as a holiday or a birthday) with an offer, and then send an SMS message on the actual date if no response has been received. The marketer can monitor messages and responses using the Analyze tab in Program.

To activate a campaign from Program:

  • To activate a Subscriber initiated campaign, use the Send SMS Campaign activity and SMS Received event.
  • To activate a Marketer initiated campaign, use the Send SMS Campaign activity with other Program events.

    Note: You cannot add New Keyword Response Messages or edit certain fields, such as Campaign Type, Code, Profile List, Keyword Type, and Keywords of campaigns with the Active status.

For more complete information about using Program, see Designing Programs.

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