Using the SMS Campaign Workbook

Important: This information applies to the SMS campaign workbook. If the Campaign Designer has been rolled out to your account, see Launching an SMS campaign with Campaign Designer.

To see how the new Campaign Designer differs from the old campaign workbook, see SMS Campaign Designer changes. For a breakdown of the new Campaign Designer's visuals, see SMS Campaign Designer visuals overview.

The SMS campaign workbook displays details of the selected campaign and any errors that need correction.

Note: Page headers in the workbooks for all channels have been updated such that, instead of seeing Campaign Workbook at the top of the page, the header will now include the campaign's name and status, as well as links to bring you back to the Manage Campaigns page and the Home page.

To open the campaign workbook:

  1. On the side navigation bar, click The Campaign icon Campaigns and select Manage Campaigns.
  2. Open the campaign you want to work with.

    Tip: To open the workbook in a new tab, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + click the campaign link.

Learn more about the sections of the campaign workbook. To monitor all campaign launches or take action on a campaign launch, use the Campaign Monitor.

Reviewing campaign errors

Campaign errors can prevent you from launching your campaign. You can quickly review campaign errors using the campaign workbook. If a section contains errors, the heading displays in red.

To review campaign errors:

  1. Open the campaign workbook for the SMS campaign you want to work with.
  2. Click Show errors.
  3. Review the errors in the Validation errors dialog.

  4. Click an error in the list to resolve the error.

Campaign reporting

For active and closed campaigns, you can view the Campaign Analysis dashboard. The Campaign Analysis dashboard helps you analyze the key performance metrics of a selected campaign.

To view the Campaign Analysis dashboard:

  1. Open the campaign workbook for the SMS campaign you want to work with.
  2. Click Insight.

Sections of the campaign workbook

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