Composite Live Report

The Composite Live Report shows live data for multiple campaigns.

You can view:

  • Recent Activity: Results for the most recent launch of each of the selected campaigns.
  • Cumulative Activity: Results for all launches of the selected campaigns.

Note: If you use incoming mail to process unsubscribe requests, the number of unsubscribes in the Total column may be greater than the sum of the unsubscribe totals listed by email type. This is because the incoming mail doesn’t include information on email type.

To open the Composite Live Report:

  1. On the side navigation bar, click The Insight icon Insight and select Live Report.
  2. Select one or more campaigns for which to see the Live Report.

    If you select several campaigns, you will get a single composite live report.

  3. Click Next.

The campaign report shows additional information if you are running a click-tracking campaign. The clickthrough status grid counts of links that were clicked by recipients, as well as the percentage of clicks for each link.

Select Refresh page every 60 sec to update the page automatically.

Click Expand to expand all rows to show the results campaign by campaign, or click the link at the left of an individual row to expand that row. In an expanded row, click a campaign name to drill down for further details.

Note: In this report, long campaign names are shortened to 12 characters with a "..” in the middle. The Campaign Legend shows the full names.

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