Custom Export

Check this box to enable custom export workflows. Custom export workflows let you export data from a supported OpenAir record type to a record type in NetSuite, including custom record types, using your own custom workflows and field mapping definitions. You can add custom export workflows to workflow groups and include them in your scheduled integration runs, or when running the integration manually.


This box cannot be cleared if a custom export workflow is listed on, or can be added to the Mapping tab on the main NetSuite Connector page. To disable custom export workflows, first delete all custom export workflows permanently in Administration > NetSuite Connector > Mapping.

Custom export workflow field mapping supports filters and advanced mappings. However, it currently supports only one pullback row for the NetSuite record ID.

By default, a maximum of 4 custom export or import workflows can be active at any one time. To review your requirements, and increase the maximum number of active custom export or import workflows accordingly, contact OpenAir Customer Support.

If the Business Intelligence Connector feature is enabled for your OpenAir account, you can add custom workflows to export OpenAir published report data to a NetSuite custom record type. You can then use NetSuite features to combine your OpenAir report data and NetSuite data or view them side to side in your custom dashboards and KPIs.

For more information, see Custom Export Workflows.


Custom export workflows require the following NetSuite Connector administration setting to be enabled for your account.