Custom Export Workflows

You can add custom workflows to export data from a supported OpenAir record type to a record type in NetSuite, including custom record types, using your own field mapping definitions. See Exporting Records from OpenAir to NetSuite Using Custom Workflows.

Custom export workflows can be set to:

If the Business Intelligence Connector feature is enabled for your OpenAir account, you can add custom workflows to export OpenAir published report data to a NetSuite custom record type. You can then use NetSuite features to combine your OpenAir report data and NetSuite data or view them side to side in your custom dashboards and KPIs. See Exporting OpenAir Published Report Data To NetSuite Custom Record Types.

Custom export workflow field mapping supports filters and advanced mappings. Custom export workflows exporting OpenAir records to NetSuite currently support only one pullback row for the NetSuite record ID. See Advanced Mappings for Custom Export Workflows.

Custom export workflows have a built-in autorecovery feature in case the export process is interrupted. The autorecovery feature prevents the creation of duplicated records by identifying records included for export in the interrupted integration run, and verifying if the record was already exported to NetSuite. If the record exists in NetSuite, OpenAir NetSuite Connector updates the exported record in OpenAir. Otherwise, the record will be exported again.

You can add custom export workflows to workflow groups and include them in your scheduled integration runs, or when running the integration manually. For more information about workflow groups, see Creating and Managing Workflow Groups.

By default, a maximum of 4 custom export or import workflows can be active at any one time. To review your requirements, and increase the maximum number of active custom export or import workflows accordingly, contact OpenAir Customer Support.

You can review the setting details you selected or entered when creating each custom export workflow at any time. See Viewing Custom Export Workflows Settings.

You can manage custom export workflows and delete those you no longer need. See Deleting Custom Export Workflows.


Review the following guidelines:

  • When exporting OpenAir published report data to a custom record type, you can configure the custom export workflow either:

    • To create new records based on the OpenAir published report data. “Create Only” custom export workflows exporting OpenAir published report data to a custom record type can only run one time.

    • To create or replace records based on the OpenAir published report data. “Replace All” custom export workflows delete NetSuite custom records created previously by the same workflow and creates new records based on the current OpenAir published report data.

  • Custom export workflows currently support the following OpenAir record types: Booking, Customer, Contact, Cost center, Customer PO, Employee, Expense item, Expense report, Invoice, Job code, PO, Payment, Payroll type, Product, Project, Purchase request, Rate card, Recognition transaction, Reimbursement, Service, Service 1 line, Service 2 line, Service 3 line, Service 4 line, Service 5 line, Task, Time entry, Time type, Timesheet, Vendor.

  • Custom export workflows currently support the following NetSuite record types: Contact, Credit memo, Customer, Employee, Expense category, Expense report, Invoice, Journal entry, Opportunity, Project, Project task, Resource allocation, Time entry, Vendor, and Custom record types.

  • Custom export workflow field mapping supports standard fields available in the NetSuite endpoint used for the integration, custom fields and custom segments.

  • The built-in autorecovery feature is only available for custom export workflows exporting OpenAir records to NetSuite. It is not available for custom export workflows exporting published report data to NetSuite.

Enabling Custom Export Workflows

Custom export workflows require the following NetSuite Connector administration setting to be enabled: Enable Direct TBA.

To enable custom export workflows:

  1. Go to Administration > NetSuite Connector.

  2. Click the Tips button, then NetSuite Connector administration.

  3. Check the Custom export box under the Exports section. See Custom Export.