Credit Mapping Group

Use the Credit mapping group to export information on credit (negative invoice) records in OpenAir to credit memo transaction records in NetSuite. The mapping group supports filters.

For reference information and best practice guidelines, review the following topics:


The following table gives reference information about the records and fields available for custom field mapping definition with links to the relevant reference material. See also Schema Reference Documentation.

NetSuite Record type [SOAP object]

OpenAir Record Type [table]

Mapping Group [Integration point]

Credit Memo [CreditMemo]

Schema: CreditMemo (2020.1)|CreditMemo (2023.1)

XSD: tranCust (2020.1)|tranCust (2023.1)

XSD (pullback): TransactionSearchRowBasicplatformCommon (2020.1)|platformCommon (2023.1)

Invoice [invoice] with negative total

Data Dictionary: invoice


Default and Custom Filters

By default, credit (negative invoice) records are exported from OpenAir to NetSuite if the following conditions are met:

  • The credit (negative invoice) is approved in OpenAir. Invoice approvals must be enabled for your OpenAir account.

  • The invoice must be a credit invoice — is negative.

  • The credit (negative invoice) was not already exported — Invoice.exported is empty.

  • The NetSuite Credit Memo ID [netsuite_credit_memo_invoice_id] custom field is empty OR the Allow objects with a NetSuite ID to be exported during integration run box is checked on the OpenAir NetSuite Connector administration form. See Allow objects with a NetSuite ID to be exported during integration run.

Custom filters are supported for this mapping group. For more information about adding filter conditions, see Using Filters and Filter Definition.

Default Field Mappings

The following table describes the default field mapping definitions for the Credit mapping group tab.

NetSuite Field


OpenAir Field



Arrow pointing right

Looked up OpenAir field value

  • Customer.netsuite_customer_id__c for the customer with equal to Invoice.customer_id on the credit invoice.

  • Project.netsuite_project_id__c for the project with equal to Invoice.project_id on the credit invoice.

The internal ID for:

  • The NetSuite project record corresponding to the project associated with the charges in the invoice in OpenAir, if the Project Management feature is not enabled for your NetSuite account and the Consolidate Projects on Sales Transactions box is not checked on the Accounting Preferences Items/Transactions subtab in NetSuite (Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences).


    If there are multiple projects associated with charges in the invoice, the NetSuite Project ID for the first project is used.

  • The NetSuite customer record corresponding to the customer associated with the invoice in OpenAir, otherwise.


Arrow pointing right on the credit invoice.


Arrow pointing right

Looked up OpenAir field value

Invoice.netsuite_invoice_id__c on the original invoice referenced by Invoice.original_invoice_id on the credit invoice

Active only when the credit invoice record was created using the Credit and Rebill Invoices optional feature in OpenAir. In this case, the credit invoice references the original invoice that was credited (Invoice.original_invoice_id).


Arrow pointing right
  • Looked up OpenAir field valueInvoice.credit_reason on the original invoice referenced by Invoice.original_invoice_id on the credit invoice

  • Invoice.credit_reason on the credit invoice

  • ="Created from NetSuite OpenAir credit invoice <name>.", where <name> is on the credit invoice

The Memo field on the NetSuite credit memo is set to the Credit Reason on the original invoice when the credit invoice record was created using the Credit and Rebill Invoices optional feature in OpenAir, or on the credit invoice otherwise. If the Credit Reason is empty, the Memo field is set to "Created from NetSuite OpenAir credit invoice <name>."


Arrow pointing right

Looked up OpenAir field value

Project.netsuite_project_id__c for the project with equal to Invoice.project_id on the credit invoice

Not visible on mapping definition table

Active only if Project Management feature is enabled for your NetSuite account and the Consolidate Projects on Sales Transactions box is not checked on the Accounting Preferences Items/Transactions subtab in NetSuite (Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences).

The internal ID of the NetSuite project record corresponding to the project associated with the credit invoice in OpenAir


Arrow pointing right

Looked up OpenAir field value

Project.netsuite_subsidiary_id__c for the project with equal to Invoice.project_id on the credit invoice

Not visible on mapping definition table

Active only if the Multiple Currency feature (or the Multi-Currency Customer feature, if available separately) is enabled for your NetSuite account and there is no original invoice to source the subsidiary information from.


Arrow pointing right

Invoice.netsuite_credit_memo_invoice_id__c on the credit invoice

Not visible on mapping definition table

[Pullback] When you export a new credit invoice record from OpenAir to NetSuite, OpenAir stores the internal ID of the NetSuite credit memo in the NetSuite Credit Memo ID [netsuite_credit_memo_invoice_id] custom field on the credit invoice. This custom field is used to link the OpenAir and NetSuite records for future updates and matching record associations.

Arrow pointing right

Invoice.exported on the credit invoice

Not visible on mapping definition table

OpenAir adds a timestamp on the credit invoice for the date and time the record was exported.

  • Transaction.taxTotal if the SuiteTax feature is enabled for your NetSuite account

  • Transaction.custbody_oa_invoice_tax_amt, otherwise

Arrow pointing right

Not visible on mapping definition table

Active only if the Import taxes applied to exported OA Credit (negative invoice) box is checked on the Send OpenAir Credits (Negative Invoices) as NetSuite Credit Memos export workflow settings form.

[Pullback] The tax amount calculated in NetSuite is imported back into OpenAir. See Import taxes applied to exported OA Credit (negative invoice).

Arrow pointing right

Not visible on mapping definition table

Active only if the Import taxes applied to exported OA Credit (negative invoice) box is checked on the Send OpenAir Credits (Negative Invoices) as NetSuite Credit Memos export workflow settings form. See Import taxes applied to exported OA Credit (negative invoice).

[Pullback] The tax amount calculated in NetSuite is added to the total amount for the invoice in OpenAir. See Import taxes applied to exported OA Credit (negative invoice).

Arrow pointing right


Not visible on mapping definition table

Active only if the Import taxes applied to exported OA Credit (negative invoice) box is checked on the Send OpenAir Credits (Negative Invoices) as NetSuite Credit Memos export workflow settings form. See Import taxes applied to exported OA Credit (negative invoice).

[Pullback] The tax amount calculated in NetSuite is added to the total amount for the credit invoice in OpenAir. See Import taxes applied to exported OA Credit (negative invoice).

Additional Field Mappings


Review the following guidelines

  • You should contact your OpenAir Professional Services representative if you need to make changes to your integration configuration and field mapping definitions.

  • For advanced mapping usage and best practice guidelines, see Advanced Field Mapping Definition.

  • Familiarize yourself with the NetSuite and OpenAir technical documentation before attempting to set field mapping definitions using the advanced notation — See Schema Reference Documentation.

No specific guidelines