Connecting OpenAir Exchange Manager with Azure Active Directory or Exchange Online

You can connect OpenAir Exchange Manager with:

Before you can connect OpenAir Exchange Manager with Azure Active Directory or Exchange Online, you must register OpenAir Exchange Manager with Microsoft identity platform. Registration provides secure sign-in and authorization for Open Air Exchange Manager to access Azure Active Directory or Exchange Online using OAuth 2.0. See Registering OpenAir Exchange Manager With Microsoft Identity Platform.

To configure the integration with Azure Active Directory or Exchange Online:

  1. In OpenAir Exchange Setup, go to Options > Integration Settings

    The Integration Settings window appears.

  2. If you are using Azure Active Directory, do the following steps:

    1. Click the Active Directory tab.

    2. Click the Choose the type of your AD dropdown, and select Azure AD.


    Skip these steps if you use an on-premises instance of Active Directory or if you do not use Active Directory.

  3. Click the Azure App tab.

  4. Enter the Azure Application Credentials for the app you registered using the Azure portal :

    • Tenant — Enter the value for Directory (tenant) ID displayed on the Overview screen of your app registration on the Azure portal.

    • Client ID — Enter the value for Application (client) ID displayed on the Overview screen of your app registration on the Azure portal.

    • Secret — Enter the value for the Client secret you added on the Certificates & secrets screen of your app registration on the Azure portal.

    For more information about registering OpenAir Exchange Manager on the Azure portal and obtaining the application credentials, see Registering OpenAir Exchange Manager With Microsoft Identity Platform

  5. Enter the Azure Exchange Server Name. This is the domain name for Exchange Online — in most cases, you can keep the default value


    This domain name is used by OpenAir Exchange Manager to detect whether a mailbox is hosted on-premises or in Exchange Online. If you are using Exchange Online to host mailboxes, Azure Exchange Server Name must match exactly the Exchange server value that OpenAir Exchange Manager receives from the Exchange Autodiscover service, or the Exchange server value you specify for individual users in OpenAir Exchange Setup (see Editing Exchange User Mailbox Information).

  6. Click OK.

Application information in Microsoft Azure and Integration Settings Azure app tab in OpenAir Exchange Manager.